Friday 20 October 2017

Best of Our Blogs: October 20, 2017

Did you ever call someone on their stuff and all you got back was more stuff? Back and forth the pointing goes. Nothing is solved. No one feels good about it.

That’s like an emotional hot potato. We’ve seen it in politics. We see it in our own homes.

What’s missing is good old-fashioned ownership, responsibility and accountability.

Just because someone makes a mistake, it doesn’t mean they are bad people or should be shamed. But in order to grow we need to get real with what’s really going on. We need the courage to fess up so we can make radical changes for the betterment of everyone involved.

Understanding is a form of love. If you care more about your relationship than being right, you’ll work to quiet your ego, heal your old wounds and work together to find common ground.

In our top posts this week, you’ll discover that an inability to take ownership and admit wrongdoing may be signs of passive-aggressiveness, narcissism or perfectionism.

When Females Rape Males
(Full Heart, Empty Arms) – It’s not just women, men are the victims of rape too. Here’s what to do to help the men in your life recover from the shame and abuse.

21 Passive-Aggressive Behavior Signs That Give You an Eye for Manipulators
(NLP Discoveries) – You think its harmless, but here’s the ways passive-aggressive behavior is destroying every relationship in your life.

Being Wooed by a Narcissist? 5 Ways to Tell
(Knotted) – It’s wonderful to be the receiver of sweet gestures and thoughtful gifts, but here’s how to tell when the giver is a narcissist.

Perfectionism, Anxiety & Bipolar Disorder
(Bipolar Laid Bare) – If you suffer from anxiety due to perfectionism, these seven steps will help.

The Two-Sided Hell of Codependency
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – It’s the one thing that makes you attractive to narcissists and makes your life a living hell. Find out how you learned to be codependent and how to stop yourself from trying to rescue everyone.

from World of Psychology

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