Friday 23 September 2016

Best of Our Blogs: September 23, 2016

Adult Daughter Visiting Unhappy Senior Mother Sitting On Sofa AtAt some point in your life, you’ve been hurt by other people’s insensitive words. Maybe you even wondered why. Why when you were down, did they say the thing that made you feel worse?

It was reading Parker Palmer’s words in Let Your Life Speak, which brought light to that question:

“One of the hardest things we must do sometimes is to be present to another person’s pain without trying to ‘fix’ it, to simply stand respectfully at the edge of that person’s mystery and misery. Standing there, we feel useless and powerless, which is exactly how a depressed person feels…

In an effort to avoid those feelings, I give advice, which sets me, not you, free. If you take my advice, you may get well-and if you don’t get well, I did the best I could. If you fail to take my advice, there is nothing more I can do. Either way, I get relief by distancing myself from you, guilt free.”

Maybe this won’t completely heal your wounds. But it may provide insight on why even people with good intentions can say hurtful things. Our top posts will also offer perspective on depression, self-love and that recent fight you had.

50 Calm-Down Techniques to Try with Kids
(Stress Better) – The list you need to have on hand for moments your kids won’t calm down. It’s great for them and you.

10 Behaviors That Would Worry Even a Child Therapist
(Parenting Anxious Kids) – You’re worried. But here’s how to tell if your worries are irrational or require professional attention.

What’s Behind a Narcissistic Rant?
(The Exhausted Woman) – This explains why you felt silenced, shocked and feeling drained after a fight.

9 Simple Ways to Love Yourself
(Happily Imperfect) –You’re kind and forgiving to others, and harshest to yourself. Sound like you? You need this.

Surprising Symptoms Of Depression
(Coping with Depression) – It’s not always sadness that will alert you to depression. Here are two other signs that someone you love is depressed.

from World of Psychology

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