Monday 2 October 2017

How to Get More of What You Want

“It is a universal principle that you get more of what you think about, talk about, and feel strongly about.” – Jack Canfield

Do you have dreams that make you smile? Goals you make fervent plans for and do your best to achieve? Do you share these dreams and goals with your loved ones, family members, co-workers and close friends?

If so, you’re probably well-versed in how to get more of what you want. If not, perhaps you could use a little encouragement. You can get more of what you want. Here’s how.

It takes work.

The truth — and you already know this — is that nothing is ever achieved without working for it. In practical terms, however, that means you need a healthy goal as well as a plan and a willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish the result you seek.

Gaining momentum, driving enthusiasm and finding inventive approaches and solutions is much more likely when you devote your time and energy to what you feel most strongly about, aligns with your values, what excites and stimulates you and what you think about enough to do something to achieve.

Recall the first bike you wanted.

Think about that first bike you wanted when you were a kid. You saw one you really liked, maybe one that your best friend got for Christmas. You could see yourself having one. You told your parents about it, even cut out pictures you left in a convenient spot on the counter or kitchen table so your parents could see it. You talked about how cool it would be to own that bike, promised to do extra chores and help around the house without being asked if they’d just get you that bike.

Your efforts, desire, conversation and emotion were picked up on by your parents. If they didn’t get you that exact bike, it may have been another. Or, if money was tight, they may have consoled you with something else.

In any case, it was what you thought about, talked about and felt strongly about that allowed you to realize your goal, to get what you wanted. In cases of family hardship, you might have had sufficient ambition to own that bike that you took on small jobs in the neighborhood, mowing lawns, getting a paper route, babysitting, helping with yardwork.

You likely got what you wanted, even if it took you a bit longer. Remember the satisfaction and joy you felt riding it? That’s a sweet memory and serves as an example of identifying a goal and creating a plan to achieve it.

How about that promotion you seek?

Here’s another example that may hit closer to home. It’s certainly more relevant to your working career. There’s an opening for a position in your company and you know you’re more than qualified for it. You talk with your loved ones and family members about how much you want this position, that it would mean a promotion for you, more money, responsibility and a chance to demonstrate a broader range of your skills. In fact, you talk about it quite a bit, as it is always on your mind.

With the support and encouragement of your loved ones you formulate a plan to approach your boss or the department head or human resources to apply for the job. You put together a portfolio of your work, highlighting your strengths and what you’d bring to the position. Your arguments, written and oral, are extremely persuasive.

You land an interview, are considered for the position and possibly get it. If nothing else, you’ve made your intentions known, showed initiative and revealed yourself to be a go-getter, someone who can provide added value to the company.

Again, it boils down to what you think about, talk about and feel most strongly about.

What is it that you want to get more of? Identify that goal and put together an action plan to achieve it. Include alternate plans so that you can adjust should roadblocks occur. Resolve to be flexible, for rigidly adhering to a goal in the face of change will only increase your frustration and disappointment. Keep in mind that you learn about yourself and your capabilities as you work toward achieving meaningful, compassionate goals. If you remain open to other possibilities, you will not only broaden your horizons, you’ll feel more confident to embark on new ventures, take a few calculated risks and reap the rewards for your efforts.

from World of Psychology

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