Friday 23 February 2018

Best of Our Blogs: February 23, 2018

In Sound True’s Insight at the Edge podcast with Gabrielle Bernstein, she explains a thought-provoking view-that judgment is a form of addiction, something that starts with a temporary high and ends with an emotional hangover.

“I think I can see for myself, before doing this process I felt justified in my judgment. I felt like they were protecting me. It was a false sense of protection. But when I really started to dig into it, I could see how detrimental the behavior was, and how it was really bringing me down. The reason I believe that judgment is an addictive pattern is that the same way we would use drugs, or alcohol, or work, or sex, or love—to project out, to do something, to anesthetize a deep-rooted wound or discomfort.”

This applies to everyone we judge from our neighbors to politicians. The next time you catch yourself judging your partner or yourself, stop and think about why you’re being triggered, what are you most afraid of and what can you do to enact positive changes in your life.

Our top posts on behaviors you shouldn’t put up with, ways you’re avoiding change, how to adopt positive behaviors and coping skills are all tools to refocus your attention on things you can work on instead of resorting to judgment.

7 Toxic Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate
(Knotted) –  Are you excusing behaviors that should never be tolerated? It’s quite likely you suffered from “being marginalized, ignored, mocked or picked on” in your childhood.

Nine Lies We Tell Ourselves To Avoid Change
(Cultivating Contentment & Happiness) – Here are the real reasons why you procrastinate and can’t seem to reach your goals.

Don’t Be Fooled by Smoke and Mirrors: 12 Traits of Truly Authentic People
(Success in the Workplace) – Your smart phone and social media use may be affecting your ability to have healthy relationships. This will help you determine who is authentic and real in social situations.

38 Ways To Relax And Change Your Imbalanced Thinking
(Caregivers, Family & Friends) – Have you experienced shakiness, sweating, dizziness, nausea and racing thoughts? Try these tips to calm you down and help you cope.

Habits Of Successful Relationships
(Dating & Relationships) – If you or your partner struggles with a bad habit that’s hurting your relationship, all is not lost. You can start with this plan to build healthier habits.

from World of Psychology

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