Tuesday 19 June 2018

Best of Our Blogs: June 19, 2018

In being well (even when you’re sick), author Elana Rosenbaum says freedom and peace from illness can come with acceptance. How do we let go of the “if onlys” of our mind. For example, “If only I wasn’t sick.” “If only I wasn’t overweight.” “If only I found the right one.”

If we can surrender to what is instead of fighting it, we can gain back control in our lives.

As you read our top posts this week, many of which deal with narcissists, control and fathers, see if you can flex your acceptance muscle. What or who in your life are you struggling with accepting?

Surrender and acceptance is not about allowing the narcissistic person in your life to continue to manipulate you. It’s about having the ability to see things as they truly are so you can make healthy changes in your life.

Ask Your Dad These 5 Questions On Fathers Day
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – This explains your dad’s inability to talk about his feelings. Here’s how to open the door to greater connection now.

Statements Frequently Made by Abusers, Narcissists, or other such Psychopaths
(The Recovery Expert) – If this sounds familiar, you have a toxic person in your life. Here’s what you need to do about it.

Shame Based Parenting: A Narcissist’s Specialty
(The Exhausted Woman) – You were shamed as a child, but you won’t understand the extent of it until you read this.

Abolish Father’s Day? Is Misandry (man hating) Killing Our Men?
(Full Heart, Empty Arms) – Is society’s secret hatred toward men literally killing them?

The 10 Most Toxic Forms of Control in Relationships
(Love Matters) – Unsure if you’re in an unhealthy relationship? If your partner is exhibiting these harmful behaviors, it may be a sign you need to leave.

from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/best-of-our-blogs-june-19-2018/

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