Wednesday 27 June 2018

How Passive-Aggressive Behavior Wrecks Relationships

Passive-aggressive behavior is frustrating. It’s mind baffling. It’s anger provoking. So why do people resort to such relationship-damaging behavior? And why is it so hard to change the pattern?

The pattern typically begins innocuously with a “Yes” and a “No” Problem.

He says, “Sure, I’ll take care of the task.” then he doesn’t.

She calls him on it.

He shrugs his shoulders, “No big deal. I said I’d take care of it.”

“Yes, but when?” she asks.

He says, “Get off my case. I said I’d do it.”

She backs off. Time passes. The task is still not done. She brings it up again.

I’m busy now,” he says. “Get off my back, will you? I’ll do it in my own damn time, not yours.”

“But you said you’d take care of it last week,” she says with rising anger.

“Calm down! You’re hysterical,” he says with increasing disdain. “Look at you; going nuts over nothing!”

The pattern typically ends malignantly with “Endless Excuses” and “Fire and Brimstone.”

As the above example illustrates, resolving differences is tough when words and actions are not in alignment. Passive-aggressive behavior typically begins in childhood when kids are comparatively powerless, yet are constantly being told what to do. To do things their own way, they learn to fudge their responses to adults, then return to doing whatever it is they want to be doing.

Passive-aggressive patterns carry over into adulthood when:

  1. You have not learned negotiation skills.

You quickly respond to requests with a verbal “yes,” but don’t follow through with the agreed upon action. A better choice would be to reflect on your options, then choose a response. Choices are not limited to your way or my way. You can be creative by suggesting a third option or a blending of both ideas. It helps if you can learn to be active vs. reactive. Reflect on what you’re willing to do. Weigh in on your decisions before you agree to do anything.

  1. You keep your resentment hidden.

“Hide your true feelings.” “Put a smile on your face.” “Be agreeable.” From a young age, we’re taught to express our negative feelings in socially acceptable ways. Not a bad message. But some people take it too far. Rather than say what you mean and mean what you say, you say what you think others want to hear. When your actions don’t align with your words, others get upset. Then, you get upset with them. Tension and turmoil escalates and you’re off and running to the next passive-aggressive drama.

  1. You view yourself as the “victim.”

When you’re a member of a group (family, work, sports) and neglect your responsibilities, others will become perturbed. Rather than owning up to your obligations or re-negotiating your responsibilities, the passive-aggressive approach is to view yourself as the “persecuted victim.” Things don’t get done magically. They get done because people work together toward a common goal. Hence, it would be beneficial for you to be an active part of your group, rather than just waiting for others to tell you what to do, then resenting their interference.

  1. You have not learned how to say “no” graciously.

Saying “no” helps you create limits, establish priorities, build character and makes your “yes” more meaningful. At times, we all need to say “no.” You can do so politely; “Sorry to say ‘no’ but I don’t have the time now.”  Or, offer an alternative suggestion; “No, I can’t do it now, but tomorrow would work.” Better to say “no” directly than indirectly with passive-aggressive behavior.

The biggest obstacle to changing passive-aggressive behavior is the lack of awareness of alternative responses. Hence, people just keep on doing what they’ve always been doing, while resentment and rancor keep ruining relationship after relationship. Too bad. It doesn’t have to be this way. Start learning the power of sharing power; then get out of your own way.


from World of Psychology

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