Tuesday 9 October 2018

Best of Our Blogs: October 9, 2018

Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Half of all mental illness begins by age 14.”

Work needs to be done to bring awareness to its normalcy.

Programs and services are needed to address and prevent mental illness in our youth.

The World Health Organization says you can wear a green ribbon or anything green and upload a photo to social media for #WorldMentalHealthDay.

If you’re doing something locally, please share it with us here.

The Highly Sensitive Person In An Emotionally Neglectful Family
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – Find out why an emotionally neglectful family can thwart growth and healing in a HSP or highly sensitive person.

In the Limo Crash, Were the Lives of the Newlyweds More Valuable than Everyone Else’s?
(Single at Heart) – A recent news headline sparks conversation about how we value people’s lives.

The Joys of Being a Highly Sensitive Person
(Happily Imperfect) – Yes things bother you more than the other person, but there are also benefits to being a highly sensitive person. The key is finding ways to take care of yourself to avoid overstimulation and exhaustion.

A Simple Way to Start Living a More Satisfying Life
(Weightless) – Creating a list could be the missing piece to a more meaningful life.

Over-Apologizing and Your Self Confidence
(The Emotionally Sensitive Person) – It’s an unexpected consequence of saying, “I’m sorry.”

from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/best-of-our-blogs-october-9-2018/

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