Saturday 13 October 2018

Psychology Around the Net: October 13, 2018

Want to know more about how employers can better understand their employees with mental health issues? The thought processes behind making snap moral judgments of others? Why depression and trauma can make you age faster?

Well, you’re in luck with this week’s Psychology Around the Net!

Workplace Mental Health In Crisis: A Survivor’s Story: Anabela Figueiredo, Head of Strategy Enablement for HSBC Holdings PLC, shares the story of how her struggles with panic attacks drastically altered — and almost took — her life; how she developed and implemented a plan to manage her panic; and offers five tips for employers to better understand employees and mental health.

800,000 People Kill Themselves Every Year. What Can We Do? “By the time you finish reading this, at least six people will have killed themselves around the world.” So begins the October 9, 2018 op-ed essay Lady Gaga — singer, actress, and founder of the Born This Way Foundation — teamed up with Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus — the Director General of the World Health Organization — to write for The Guardian.

This Is How People Judge Good From Bad, According to Science: Researchers take a look at how many of us make snap moral judgments based on the “ADC Model”: the agent (intention or character of the person doing the act); the deed (the act); and the consequences (the outcome).

The Psychology of Closure — and Why Some Need It More Than Others: The death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job — these are just a few examples of situations after which many people seek closure in order to “let go” and “move on.” However, does getting closer actually help them do that? Is it reasonable to expect another person to give you closure? Let’s look at some individual differences.

Do These 8 Things Every Day to Be Happier and Filled with Less Regret: For many of us, there are simple steps we can take — and keep taking — to boost joy and ward off regrets.

Why Depression and Trauma Can Make You Age Faster: We know that some mental health problems such as depression are linked to physical health problems such as cardiovascular disease, but now new research shows major depression, and trauma, also can affect your body in a different way: by causing it to prematurely age. The study found that people who live with major depressive disorder are “biologically older than people without depression” and that childhood trauma including neglect, abuse, and other violence, is even worse.

from World of Psychology

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