Friday 2 November 2018

How to Use the End of Daylight Savings Time to Benefit Your Relationship


How will you spend your extra hour? Sleeping or connecting with your partner?

Bummed about the shorter days and darker evenings ahead? Don’t be!

The end of Daylight Savings Time 2018 is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to fall back in love by showering some extra sexy, snuggly attention on your partner.

Here are 10 ways to use shorter days as a way to create big time love:

1. Create a Grand Romance

Shorter nights are the perfect time to forego outside activities and reconnect with your partner at home. Cuddle around a fire or on the couch under a blanket. Pick up a new piece of sexy lingerie and wear it to ignite a spark.

2. Light Up the Night

The great thing about darker evenings is that you can transform the mood from gloomy to romantic just by lighting candles. Better yet, make dinner by candlelight your new normal and spend the evening chatting about the highlights of your day.

3. Go Back in Time

Pretend you and your partner are back in the days before electronic entertainment. Hide your devices and pull out the Monopoly board instead. Feeling amorous? Build a blanket fort to snuggle in.

Some light-hearted time playing with your partner without the distraction of flashing screens is a soothing, soul-nourishing way to build intimacy and connection.

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4. Cook Together

When the nights are dark and the air is cool, it’s the perfect time to heat things up — in the kitchen! Spend a Sunday evening making double batches of your favorite recipes and freeze them for hectic weeknights. It’s more fun when the two of you work together.

Savor the satisfaction of a sharing fun common goal and a sense of accomplishment. And don’t forget dessert. The scents of cinnamon and vanilla are turn-ons for men!

5. Go to Bed Early

What if you (finally) listen to your body and instead of forcing it to stay up, take advantage of your natural rhythms to get some extra shut-eye. Snuggle together and drift off to dreamland.

Snoozing next to someone you love increases endorphins. And hey, if that snuggling time turns into some cozy sexual connection… all the better.

6. Wake Up Early

Or take advantage of your restful night’s sleep to do a little pre-dawn lovemaking. In the morning, you’ll both have more energy. It also allows you to begin the day with physical and emotional connection.

7. Embrace Side-by-Side Companionship

There is something so comforting about hunkering down together. Curl up next to him with that book you’ve been dying to read while he tinkers around or catches up on the latest Sports Illustrated.

Pursuing individual hobbies while being in the same physical space strengthens the bonds of trust and reminds you that a healthier “we” can be harnessed by focusing on your own interests. Besides, men thrive on this type of quality time, and it builds a deeper sense of appreciation for your partnership.

8. Play Outside

Don’t let the cold deter you from playing outside! Research shows that couples that work out together have way more (and way better) sex. So, get out in that cold, crisp, invigorating weather for an evening run or walk in the park. Even a short jaunt in the great outdoors will lift your spirits.

9. Entertain Yourselves

This is the perfect time to catch up on all of those shows you’ve wanted to watch. Host a Friday night season marathon starting with episode one. Or maybe catch up on those movies you missed in the theaters.

The early darkness and cold outside are also great excuses to to stay in, cuddle under a blanket, and enjoy some screen time together.

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10. Embrace Gratitude

The season of Thanksgiving is near, so why not get an early start on expressing your gratitude? Purchase a journal to share and commit to writing two things every day that each of you’re grateful for. Or you can email each other every day at lunch what you’re most grateful for that day.

We live in such lavish abundance and distraction. It’s so easy to speed through our days without noticing how lucky we are (in life and in love). A shared gratitude practice will help you both see how good you really have it.

This guest article originally appeared on How Daylight Savings Time Can Help You Fall Back In Love.

from World of Psychology

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