Friday 20 January 2017

7 Red Flags to Watch Out for in a New Relationship

bigstock-123639038You’re dating someone new and everything seems to be going pretty well. That is until you see something a little off in their behavior. When you’re first getting to know someone, you don’t want to analyze and judge every single thing they do or way they act, but you also want to evaluate what kind of person they are and if they could be a good fit for you.

When we really like someone, we often want to overlook certain behaviors and chock it up to them having a bad day or our reading the situation wrong. But before you get too invested in someone, it’s important to know what their personality is really like. Here are seven red flags to watch out for in a new relationship.

1. Your friends don’t like him.

True friends have your best interest in mind. If they don’t like the new guy you’re dating, they probably see something in him that you don’t. Sometimes the excitement of a new relationship blinds us to someone’s true qualities. If you’re not getting a good report from your friends, try to take a step back and take a closer look at your beau to try to better see what they see.

2. She talks about herself a lot.

People who constantly talk about themselves are usually self-absorbed and a bit narcissistic. If she doesn’t ask you questions about your day, your family, etc., then she likely doesn’t truly care. Staying in a one-sided relationship with someone who is completely self-centered isn’t healthy and will ultimately leave you unfulfilled.

3. You find him checking out other women.

Your guy should be into you. If you find him scanning the restaurant or club, looking at other women, then he might be looking for his next fling. It’s disrespectful to check out other women, especially when he is on a date with you. If he respects you, he won’t be doing this or he’ll be willing to change.

4. She talks down to you or others.

No one wants to feel belittled or talked down to. If your new girl criticizes you, diminishes your feelings, or insults you in any way, then she isn’t a catch. The same thing goes with how she treats others. If she treats you like a god, but you see her discounting others, the time will likely come when she discounts you too.

5. Small things set him off.

Some men tend to have tempers when they become angry and this isn’t always a cause for concern. But if little things make him furious, or minor details cause him to erupt, then he could have anger issues. If little things make him mad, how will he react when larger problems come your way?

6. She is controlling.

Whether she tells you to stop hanging out with your guy friends or she always dictates when and where the dates will be, she has to have the final say in your life. Sometimes this can come out in small ways like her asking, “Oh, you’re wearing that?” Stay with this girl and she will eventually want to control every aspect of your life. It is probably wise to get far away from this one.

7. You’ve experienced any sort of violence.

If he has grabbed you forcefully even once, get out. Violent men are dangerous men and need professional help. A common mistake is to stay and tell yourself you will be the one to help him. Violence is never acceptable. Run the other way if he is acting aggressive toward you or anyone else.

New relationships should be pretty drama free for the most part. Early on, it’s all about the excitement of getting to know each other, first kisses, and having fun together. If you just started dating someone and are questioning their maturity, character, or sincerity, trust your gut, value yourself, and consider if the relationship is really worth continuing to invest in.

from World of Psychology

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