Saturday 21 January 2017

Psychology Around the Net: January 21, 2017


Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

Finally, the weekend is here. That doesn’t mean too much to me, however, considering how busy I am with work — wait. I’m not supposed to say that because…

…today’s Psychology Around the Net takes a look at how creativity is born, some not-so-common habits to improve your life, and — yes — why saying things like “I’m so busy” might actually be a mindset more than a reality.

Why Creativity Blocks Happen (and How To Overcome Them): Do you think creativity is a natural gift, or is it something that can be taught? Can you actually teach someone how to be creative (or at the least, give them tools to foster creativity), or does a person have to be born creative?

Plastic Surgeons Often Miss Patients’ Mental Disorders: New research suggests that even though nearly 1 in 10 patients who seek plastic surgery struggle with a mental illness that distorts how they see physical “imperfections,” many surgeons aren’t quick to pick up on it; in fact, during the study, plastic surgeons correctly identified only 5% of patients who screened positive for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). While the study’s lead author, Dr. Lisa Earnest Ishii, “was reluctant to suggest a policy that would mandate formal screening, [she] does think [a] questionnaire should become the standard of care among plastic surgeons.”

10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life: Sure, we know that habits like “appreciating the here and now” and “getting organized” can improve our lives, but what about “starting a collection of things that mean something to you” and “making a point to do things that remind you of who you are”?

Stimulant Boosts Function in Patients Recovering From Depression: Often, patients and doctors focus more on improving patients’ moods than other side effects of depression, such as concentration and difficulty with memory. During a small study regarding modafinil (a stimulant drug usually prescribed for sleep disorders) versus a placebo, researchers from Britain’s Cambridge University found that modafinil helped improve memory and even test scores.

Why Many Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Wander: Researchers from Columbia University Medical Center have linked an accumulation of tau protein in the brain (specifically, the navigational nerve cells) to spacial disorientation that causes Alzheimer’s patients to wander and get lost.

Feeling Stressed? Three Mindsets To Stop Tolerating: By saying you’re “too busy,” are you really just sweeping other problems under the rug? Are you a perfectionist because you’re way too worried about making mistakes and facing negative social reaction? Does your attitude toward stress cause even more harm than the stress itself?

from World of Psychology

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