Monday 18 December 2017

Breaking Through Mediocrity: Are You Finally Fed Up with Being Fed Up?

We all have the power inside us to create more passionately, to love more deeply, to experience our everyday life more joyfully, and to reach our full potential. We just need to get to that point of being fed up with being fed up.

Most people say that pain is the great motivator for transformation, and that is true. Yet for me, the other great motivator that can catapult you from inertia to action and from stagnation to stupendous is the intolerance of your own mediocrity! Intolerance is a tap on the shoulder from your most magnificent self, trying to awaken you to your true potential.

When you can no longer tolerate your own excuses, patterns of paralysis and procrastination, or days (or decades) of drama, change can happen. When you are finally willing to be straight with yourself and admit that you’re settling for mediocre results and that you’re cooperating with the part of you that tells you to play small, be safe, and sell out, you’ve taken the first step to creating a new future.

As a transformational workshop leader and Master Integrative Life Coach, week after week I hear stories from people who just can’t seem to get out of their own way. They are still talking about the same twenty pounds, caught in the same cash crisis, trying to find their passion, or searching for their soulmate. Over the months or even years, their justifications, rationalizations or overall assuredness about why things are not working out as they wanted, seems to have changed or sounds a bit better than last year’s explanation. But what they are experiencing in their external world has not! Underneath whatever they might be saying is their narrative of limitation, excuses, disappointment, regret, and wishful thinking laced with resignation. Unfortunately, they have lost trust in themselves and the benevolence of the Universe. They have forgotten what Glinda said to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, “You had the power all along.”

Turning the tide of mediocrity isn’t a matter of stamping out fear and self-sabotage. It’s a matter of reconnection. Rather than referring to the same old manual and referencing your limiting beliefs and outdated behaviors that seal in your state of struggle and legacy of lack, it is time to connect to your integrity, the truth of who you are and who you are meant to become. Living in integrity means living from wholeness instead of lack, truth instead of fear, and in the light of your grandest desires instead of the confines of your comfort zone. It is a declaration that you are no longer willing to tolerate mediocrity but feel worthy to claim your magnificence and manifest your greatest desires.  

At the core in each of us, there is a part that wants to live life with an unapologetic aliveness and contribute our remarkable gifts to this world. The good news is that when we commit to living an integrity-guided life, all we need to do is slow down, reconnect, and tune in to the voice inside of us that knows exactly what we need to do to turn our wanting into wonderment. It is time to embrace your intolerance, declare your freedom from the limits of your past, and have that something more that your soul is yearning for.

Transformational Action Steps

  1. Look around your life. What are the areas and situations that you keep talking about changing? Where are you playing small, stuck, or achieving mediocre results?
  2. Note how many years you have been promising yourself that things would change. What are the costs of not taking those areas on and achieving what you desire?
  3. Take a deep breath, connect inside, and ask your voice of integrity to tell you what to do in each of these areas or situations. Is there an action you need to take, a commitment you need to make, or a structure you need to put in place to support you in achieving a new result? Trust what you hear and create a plan to follow through on what you hear.

from World of Psychology

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