Saturday 30 December 2017

Psychology Around the Net: December 30, 2017

It’s almost 2018 darlings, and I thought I’d use this week’s Psychology Around the Net to share with you information specific to certain important areas of our lives that might help you as you venture into the new year.

Celebrate safely this weekend, and here’s to an amazing new year for each and every one of you!


10 Things to Do in the New Year to Skyrocket Your Career in 2018: Actually, these tips could help you in several areas of life. Get ready to take put yourself out there and take risks (and fail), speak publicly (it’s about way more than giving a presentation), set priorities and boundaries, and more.


Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Consumers for 2018: Money is a HUGE stressor, so the it makes sense that getting your financial ducks in a row (or, at least, getting a good handle on where you stand, where you want to stand, and how you plan to get there) can benefit most areas of your life. Pennsylvania Secretary of Banking and Securities Robin L. Wiessmann has 10 ways you can not only protect, but also grow, your money in 2018.


How to Support a Family Member with a Mental Illness: If you have a family member living with mental illness, here are five ways you can provide the support they need.


Good Friends Might Be Your Best Brain Booster as You Age: Give your friendships a little extra love in 2018 — and in all the years to come. According to various research, “SuperAgers” — people who are 80 years old or older and have memories as good as or better than people 20 or 30 years their junior — tend to work hard at maintaining friendships.


5 Ways to Reignite the Passion in a Tired Relationship: Sometimes, the passion you experienced in the beginning of a relationship begins to fade the longer you’re in the relationship. That doesn’t mean you love each other any less; it just means that certain thrill has gone missing. These researchers and therapists have several ideas for you and your partner to get back that thrill.


This Spiritual Practice Is So Simple but So Effective: When we think of the new year, we often think of resolutions — things we’re going to do, or stop doing, or change, or whatever. It’s all about taking some sort of action…which makes Rachel Jonat’s suggestion for getting back to your spiritual self (however you might define that) all the more intriguing.


10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Health and Your Family’s: The American Health Association has given us a list of 10 ways we can keep (or, get and then keep) our health on track. Healthy bodies help healthy minds, y’all.

from World of Psychology

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