Saturday 7 April 2018

Psychology Around the Net: April 7, 2018

Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

This week’s Psychology Around the Net takes a look at using surprises to create social influence, mind hacks to increase productivity, arguments for and against using preregistration to avoid false positives in study results, and more.


Why “Social Jet Lag” May Cause Worse Grades and Poor Work Performance: Although this is a recent study, I think we’ve all known for a while that school schedules just don’t mesh all that well with many students’ biological clocks. However, “social jet lag” (FINALLY there’s a name for it!) doesn’t apply to only students.

5 Mind Hacks to Steal from Highly Productive People: So, creating an “airplane day” — going off the grid to stave off distractions and get your work done — is a common sense tip, right? Well, what about narrating your life as a way to stay productive? Let’s take a look at that and other ideas for becoming a more productive person.

Surprise Can Be an Agent of Social Change: Ever think about using “surprise” to create social influence and change? Actually, what does that even mean? Says Jeffrey Loewenstein, a professor of business administration at the Gies College of Business at Illinois, “There are plenty of people who think of surprise as an emotional expression. You can easily imagine the facial expression of someone who is experiencing surprise. But surprise not only generates this emotional reaction, it also is a push to learn, and an experience that people get excited to share with others. Put those things together and surprise becomes a powerful tool for social influence.”

Should Animal Abusers Get Mandatory Mental Health Evaluations? (California) Senator Scott Wilk recently introduced legislation that would require people convicted of animal abuse crimes to undergo mental health evaluations and ongoing counseling, if necessary, stating early intervention can weaken the link between animal abuse and future violence.

Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less): Some of these “tiny daily rituals” actually are tiny (for example, immediately washing your dishes isn’t that big of a deal, right?), but they pack some HUGE results (I’ve actually bookmarked this page and been practicing a few of them myself).

Psychologists Have a Plan to Fix the Broken Science of Psychology: Some psychologists believe researchers can avoid false positives by using “preregistration” — a method that has the researcher create a detailed plan, including identifying possible decisions and making those decisions, before the researcher begins collecting data for a study. Others don’t think it’s such a great idea.

from World of Psychology

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