Friday 19 February 2016

Best of Our Blogs: February 19, 2016

RegretIf you’re constantly berating yourself for a misdeed, you need to stop it right now.

Our guilt for saying the wrong thing, for example, can play over and over in our minds rotting our insides, marring the moment, and injuring our relationship with others and our selves.

Remorse itself isn’t bad. What’s bad is obsessing over a past action without doing anything to repair it.

How many times have I heard others talk about things they wish they didn’t do or say to their kids, friends and partners? How much energy is wasted worrying about the repercussions instead of making amends?

Spending your time regretting will never redo the past. But learning to accept, forgive and apologize will change your future. Our posts this week will help you do the latter by giving you ways to love yourself more, and tips for how to better respond to your anxious child.

5 Possible Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder
(Caregivers, Family & Friends) – There are lots of myths and misinformation out there about borderline personality disorder. If you or someone you know is in the dark about what BPD really is, this post on the disorder’s common symptoms should help.

22 Ways to Love Yourself More
(Happily Imperfect) – This list will get you on the road towards a greater relationship with the most important person in your life-yourself.

Why Are People With ADHD Always Late?
(ADHD Millennial) – You or someone you know with ADHD is chronically late. This could explain why.

When Your Child’s Anxiety is Making You Anxious: Repeat These 22 Phrases
(Stress Better) – When they’re anxious, you’re anxious. Here are better ways to react and respond to your child.

Narcissistic Granny: It’s a Multi-Generational “Thang” (Pt. 1 of 3)
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – Know a narcissist? If you’re like Lenora, it’s quote possible that it’s been in your family for generations.

from World of Psychology

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