Friday 26 February 2016

Best of Our Blogs: February 26, 2016

I Love Me Letters On WoodThe most hurtful thing I’ve had to accept is the person who held me back the most from my dreams, happiness and success was me.

Similarly, the things that prevent you from what you desire such as love, connection, and optimal health and wellness, may appear to be a burdensome past, critical relative or current illness. These are legitimate obstacles. But what keeps you from overcoming them is you.

Your resistance could be related to fear. It could be a lack of knowledge and awareness. It could be a lack of support. But the good news is that you have the tools to change things. May this list of top posts on everything from people-pleasing to abuse trigger the beginning of the end of your self-sabotaging behavior and towards a greater sense of support from and trust in yourself.

When Mom Makes You Feel Invisible
(Knotted) – If you are a people pleaser, this might be the reason. According to this post, daughters who grow up feeling ignored by their mothers may spend a lifetime trying to gain her attention and approval.

Understanding Passive-Aggressive Personality Trait
(The Exhausted Woman) – Is your passive-aggressive anger turning into a disorder? Read the traits, behaviors and symptoms of someone who has a passive-aggressive personality here.

The Invisible Cage Of Abuse: Protection Or Jailer?
(One Day You Will Roar) – You want to move on from the past, but continue to find yourself in abusive situations. This explains what keeps you locked in and how you can finally escape the cage of abuse.

6 Reasons Why Self-Diagnosis Should Never Happen
(Caregivers, Family & Friends) – Do you find yourself googling your symptoms? Here’s why you should stop doing that.

The People-Pleaser’s Guide to Saying No
(Happily Imperfect) – What’s so bad about volunteering, and helping others? When it is the result of people pleasing. Here are a few softer ways to say, “No” so you can take back your life.

from World of Psychology

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