Sunday 14 February 2016

Create Your Own Definition of Beauty

create your own definition of beautyToday, profoundly albeit subtly, the paradigm surrounding cosmetics has made many women want to attain looks similar to the celebrities they see on television and in movies. And women need not look too far, for with the parallel development of cosmetics and plastic surgery, these desires are readily brought into the realm of possibility.

This may seem like a non-issue, except it begs the question: How does this affect individualism? Quite clearly, individualism faces a very real threat. For this reason, we are in dire need of women brave enough to challenge the norm and redefine their own brand of beauty.

And there is no brand of beauty more authentic than the natural looks you own, flaws included. Sadly, the art of embracing one’s flaws seems to have vanished. It’s time to bring it back. You need to be able to look in the mirror and see yourself for all the positive attributes you have, physically and otherwise. Because like it or not, that is the exact image of you that will be projected to the rest of the world.

It has been said, “We accept the love we think we deserve.” When you develop the unshakable confidence that you are beautiful and capable of achieving great things, this perception is automatically transferred to those around you. People see the love you have for yourself and will not dare to tamper with it.

Every part of you holds significance; the scars you’ve earned from the battles you’ve fought, stretch marks as you bore the love of your life, every crooked tooth and freckle on your skin makes you who you are.

When you’re brave enough to stand in stark contrast to the suggested template of beauty in the cosmetic landscape, your unique beauty combines with the silent confidence you project and is far more enchanting.

So, be willing to shed the idea that you have to confine your style and beauty to what’s accepted and expected by society at large. Because, to be fair, if we were all complacent enough to stick to existing ideas without daring to stretch any further, wouldn’t we perpetually be stuck in a rut?

Find it in you to be comfortable in your own skin. You do not need to justify what you believe to naysayers. Simply by believing in yourself, and loving every part of you, you make a silent but beautiful statement of individuality. And in no time, the condemning crowd will realize their negative thoughts and remarks have lost their power over you.

Women who love their bodies photo available from Shutterstock

from World of Psychology

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