Saturday 27 February 2016

Psychology Around the Net: February 27, 2016

Unhappy Pre teen boy in school

Welcome to another edition of Psychology Around the Net, sweet readers! Unlike last week, this one is on time!

This week, we take a look at important topics such as teacher training for mental health first aid, the military’s care for people with mental health problems, how being overweight can affect one’s memory, and more.

EXCLUSIVE: NY Lawmakers Want Teachers Trained to Spot Students With Mental Health Issues: Assemblyman Marcus Crespo and Senator Jesse Hamilton are unveiling legislation requiring teachers to undergo “mental health first aid” training (a term with which we’re becoming rapidly familiar) to help identify students who might be struggling with mental health problems and help them obtain treatment. At the time of this writing, the New York State United Teachers (the state’s teachers’ union) has yet to take a formal stance on the legislation.

Children With Chronic Headaches at Higher Risk of Mental Illness: According to a review published in Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, child patients with chronic daily headache (CDH) have an increased risk for comorbid psychiatric conditions.

Military’s Care for People With PTSD and Depression Falls Short: I’ll be frank: This isn’t surprising news. According to recent research, the military’s health programs just aren’t providing the mental health treatments our service members need and, even though the “Military Health System, which is operated by the Defense Department, is effective at contacting active-duty personnel diagnosed with one of the conditions,” the system is having a difficult time making sure patients continue treatment.

Study Shows Benefits of Dog Ownership Among Seniors: Researchers from Oregon State University believe seniors who own dogs benefit from a lower risk of cardiovascular disease which, among other health-related factors, could be attributed to “lower levels of stress, anxiety, and loneliness.”

Teen Mental Health Risk Increases With Food Insecurity: Teens who live in households that have “limited or uncertain availability of nutricious food are more than twice as likely as other kids to have emotional problems or conduct problems,” says a recent study lead by Dr. Elizabeth Poole-Di Salvo of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York.

Memory: Overweight Young Adults Have Poorer Recollection: The University of Cambridge may have discovered a link between overweight young adults (those with a high BMI, or Body Mass Index) and poor episodic memory (the ability to remember past events).

from World of Psychology

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