Friday 21 October 2016

Best of Our Blogs: October 21, 2016

Alarm ClockEvery had a morning that ruined your whole day?

Maybe it’s the one Sunday you could sleep in and your neighbor decided to mow the lawn. Or you woke up to screaming kids. Or you didn’t hear the alarm and missed an important meeting.

As you reflect back, are you amazed that such simple things can thwart your plans? In fact, a single thought could bombard your mind pummeling through your day like a tornado.

Most of us are unconscious of how we give away way too much power to things and people that don’t matter.

If you want to live a powerful, happy and successful life, you’ve got to wake up to how things are affecting you so you can respond not just react.

Start by creating a morning ritual. Maybe it’s taking a deep breath in and stretching before you rush off toward your day. Maybe it’s writing your thoughts in a journal. Maybe it’s reflecting on three things you are grateful for.

We all have the power to change our moments and inevitably change our lives. We just have to take back the power that may have been taken from us through narcissistic people, overthinking and people who couldn’t love us the way we needed them to.

Lack of Empathy: It’s Not Always Obvious
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – You know a lack of empathy signals potential narcissism, but what does that actually look like? According to this, someone could appear to be loving and caring, but still be a narcissist.

20 Ways People Deny their Own Wrongdoing
(NLP Discoveries) – There are many ways people can avoid responsibility. See if you’re guilty of any of these self-sabotaging tactics to deny mistakes and wrongdoing.

7 Effective Ways to Stop Overthinking
(Happily Imperfect) – If you’re tired of the negative tape playing in your mind over and over again, this will help.

Unloved Daughters and the Burden of Family Secrets
(Knotted) – You’ve felt alone growing up because who would understand how your perfect mother could be so cruel and unloving? This post is for you.

Part 2: 7 Challenges of Borderline Personality Disorder
(Caregivers, Family & Friends) – Someone you love is struggling with borderline personality disorder. How do you cope? Here are common challenges and suggestions to help support them and yourself.

from World of Psychology

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