Thursday 6 October 2016

Join Us for World Mental Health Day on October 10 #WMHD

World Mental Health Day 2016 - Join us!Next week on October 10th, we’re celebrating World Mental Health Day. If you’re a blogger, we’d like you to join us for our 6th annual blog party.

World Mental Health Day is promoted by the World Health Organization to help raise awareness about mental health issues. The day promotes open discussion of mental disorders, and what the world’s governments and health organizations are doing in prevention, promotion and treatment services. This year’s theme is psychological first-aid, but you’re welcomed to blog on any topic in mental health you’d like.

This year, we’re inviting you to join us for the 6th annual blog party on Monday, October 10. Mental health is important to all of us, and we need your help to spread that message! So how do you join in on the party?

The World Health Organization’s Mental Health Day topic this year is psychological first-aid, the kind of mental health help that is provided to people after a crisis, like a hurricane, school shooting, some other tragedy, or terrorist event. What is psychological first-aid?

Participation in the blog party is easy. All you need do is commit to publishing a blog entry on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, about a mental health issue that’s close to your heart. While you’re encouraged to write about psychological first-aid or how you survived a crisis, natural disaster, or some other traumatic event in your life, you can write about anything mental-health related that will help get the word out.

Blog entries work best if they are relatively short (generally under 800 words, but even shorter is fine) and with a clear message or take-away. If you need help crafting your post, we’ll be happy to help. Even if you don’t currently blog or your organization doesn’t have a blog, not to worry! We will happily publish your entry on Psych Central (just contact us at the below email address ahead of time).

Once you’ve posted your blog entry, simply let us know on Oct. 10: blogparty at or tag a post on Twitter with hashtag #wmhd or #wmhd16

We’ll be posting links to everyone’s entries throughout the day on our World Mental Health Day blog:

Please consider joining us this year on World Mental Health Day to help increase awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health diagnosis, access to services, treatment, and support. We believe your contribution would add a valuable and important voice to the campaign.

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to your participation in this event!

Learn more about World Mental Health Day and psychological first aid on the WHO website.

from World of Psychology

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