Saturday 3 December 2016

Psychology Around the Net: December 3, 2016

{Flickr photo by asenat29}

{Flickr photo by asenat29}

Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

It’s pretty dark and rainy in my neck of the woods today, which doesn’t give me much Christmas spirit (I’m finally decorating today…or hoping to, anyway); however, such weather does do a little something interesting for my overall spirit.

Have you ever heard the term “pluviophile”? Basically, a pluviophile (a term that derives from “pluvial,” meaning “of or relating to rain”) is someone who — you guessed it — can find joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

Don’t get me wrong; I love the sunshine as much as the next person. However, for some reason, rain puts me in quite the contemplative mood and, according to Lifehack, it might actually make me in tune with a few things (though this isn’t too scientific!).

Anyway, there’s your extra thought for the day. Let’s move on to all the new mental health news from this week!

10 Gifts to Ourselves for Minimizing Holiday Stress: For those of you who spend a lot of time and money picking what you hope will be the perfect holiday gifts, you’re undoubtedly aware of how stressful it can be; however, you might not be as aware of the importance of giving yourself a few gifts, too. Here are 10 gifts you absolutely should wrap up for yourself — and probably give yourself — this holiday season and all year long. (HINT: Nearly all of them are FREE.)

Pregnancy and Low Self-Esteem Have Put a Stop to Our Sex Life: Pamela Stephenson Connolly, a patron of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists, offers one new mother advice on how to overcome her lack of interest in sex due to pregnancy (and her overall low self-esteem, which started years before the baby came).

Army Says It Fairly Dismissed Soldiers With Mental Health Problems, Brain Injuries: An Army report ordered by Secretary Eric Fanning concludes commanders did nothing wrong when they discharged more than 22,000 soldiers for “misconduct” after returning from Iraq and/or Afghanistan, despite those soldiers being diagnosed with mental health problems and even brain injuries. Psychiatrist Judith Broder, who received the Presidential Citizens Medal for organizing the Soldiers Project from President Obama, calls the report “unbelievable” and “bizarre,” while Senator Chris Murphy says he doesn’t the the Army “understands the scope of this problem.”

Mental Disorders Top National List of Health Conditions: According to a recently published Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Index, mood disorders and substance abuse are at the top of the list of health conditions that negatively impact Americans with commercial health insurance. The BCBS used data from more than 40 million of its own customers.

Hallucinogenic Drugs Could Soon Work Like a ‘Surgical Intervention’ for Mental Illness: Two studies — one at Johns Hopkins University and one at New York University — are the first major studies to research the “effects of psilocybin [“magic mushrooms”] on patients dealing with depression and distress related to facing the end of life,” and the results left researchers hopeful that they can get consent from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct a third study — one that is necessary before the FDA will consider approving a new drug.

Do Android and iPhone Users Have Different Personalities? They sure do, according to a recent (albeit small) study conducted by the University of Lincoln, Lancaster University, and the University of Hertfordshire.

from World of Psychology

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