Saturday 18 March 2017

Psychology Around the Net: March 18, 2017

Typewriter Coffee And Paper – Version 2

Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

I have exciting news! (Well, exciting for me, anyway.) I have the entire weekend to myself. That’s right — To. Myself. Alone. No human interaction at all (unless I call the pizza guy).

Of course, I’ll have my doggo, but she just gets me, you know?

You might be wondering why being alone for nearly 72 hours is this is exciting, so I’ll fill you in: As a writer, I need to write. By “write,” I don’t mean “work.” Most of my writing is work-related writing and by the end of the day, when I have “free time,” I’m a) so, so tired of staring at my computer screen, and b) preoccupied with questions like “What are we doing for dinner?” and “Do you want to keep on with our Prison Break marathon tonight?” and “It’s Saturday? I bet friends are coming over…I should dust something.”

Hardly conducive to the creative writing my brain is craving.

So, when I finally hit my breaking point and decided to book myself a hotel for the weekend where it’d be just me, my laptop, and some inspiring background tunes, my beau stepped up and said, “Don’t. I’ll go out of town. I need to visit [insert friend’s name here] anyway. Write.”

What can I say? He just gets me, too.

I know myself and I know there’s nothing suspicious about this need to be alone; however, I did do a little digging around for your reading pleasure and guess what I found? 8 Reasons Why Spending Time Alone Is Actually Really Good For You, and some reasons that are perfect for my needs include clearing your mind, boosting creativity, and — get this — doing what you actually want to do.

(Not that I don’t want to work or eat or hang out with friends, but I do want to spend some time unloading all my story ideas, too.)

Now, let’s get on with it! This week we have updates on the psychological effects being in space has on people, how vegetables help combat stress, how each generation uses mindfulness, and more!

Mental Health in Outer Space: Scientists for NASA’s Human Research Program released a 123-page evidence report that highlights the both the negative and positive psychological effects being in space has on people. Currently, NASA requires astronauts to undergo psychiatric screenings, supports them with mental health providers during space missions, and has them meet during psychological conferences every two weeks.

House Passes Bill To Help Vets With Mental Illness Buy Guns: After a mass shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007, President George W. Bush signed into law a bill requiring federal agencies such as the Veterans Administration to add the names of “people deemed ‘mentally defective’ to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to block gun purchases. Now, the House of Representatives has passed a bill — the Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act — stopping the Veterans Administration from adding those “mentally defective” names to the list. Says Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), “I support veterans and I support veterans’ rights to defend themselves, but I don’t support crazy people having guns whether they are veterans or not.”

U2’s Adam Clayton To Receive MusiCares Addiction Recovery Award: U2’s bassist Adam Clayton, who’s been open about his struggles with past substance abuse and his 20-year-long sobriety, will receive the Stevie Ray Vaughan Award at MusiCares 13th annual MAP Fund Benefit Concert for his role in helping others during their recovery process.

Some Veggies Each Day Keeps the Stress Blues Away: We all know vegetables are an extremely important part of the food pyramid, but according to new research published in British Medical Journal Open, veggies can help with more than just physical health. Eating three to four servings of vegetables every day can decrease psychological stress.

How Generations Meditate On Mindfulness: Generations have used mindfulness practices in different ways. For example, Baby Boomers have focused on holistic benefits; Generation X has used it as a way to rise above competition; Millennials tend to use meditation as a form of team-strengthening exercise. These practices haven’t gone unnoticed and that notice, as well as growing bodies of research, have led various institutions — from companies to the military to sports teams to schools to medical fields — to incorporate meditation and mindfulness for better mental and physical health.

One Surprisingly Simple Choice that Will Change Your Life: This one choice can help you become more productive, encourage others to embrace and let shine their unique light, stop yourself from breaking a heart that’s difficult to mend, and more.

from World of Psychology

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