Friday 14 April 2017

Best of Our Blogs: April 14, 2017

I’ve been reading a ton about wellness these days. There’s a lot of articles on what exercises and food can help improve our physical body and emotional state. But what does wellness actually look like to you?

Is it a day when you don’t feel pain or have the ability to cope with it better?

Is wellness about how well your body feels or is it a feeling of emotional well-being as well?

Is well-being about your ability to take care of others or is it about living without constantly worry about your health?

Does wellness simply mean being free of illness?

To get to where you want to go, you need a wellness map. Envision what you want that’s realistic and right for you, and then dream up the steps that will get you there.

This week, we delve into narcissism, and what happens when the sun sets in Alzheimer’s disease. Can you use the information to help you drawn out what you would like to see in your own world of wellness.

11 Things NOT To Do With Narcissists
(Narcissism Decoded) – If you’re involved at some level with a narcissist, there are some things you need to know. If you’re doing any of these things, you could be compromising your health and well-being.

Recognizing Emotional Abuse
(The Recovery Expert) – You know what physical abuse looks like, but did you know a lack of humility and the silent treatment could be signs of emotional abuse?

What Is Sundowner’s Syndrome?
(The Exhausted Woman) – When the sun goes down, an Alzheimer’s disease patient could experience this change in behavior. Here’s what you need to do.

8 Ways To Cope With An Abusive Narcissist
(Caregivers, Family & Friends) – Narcissism and abuse by itself is difficult. But when you’re dealing with an abusive narcissist, the combination can be destructive. Read how to protect yourself.

Narcissism, Paranoia, OCD and Rituals (Oh my!)
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – This post on narcissism looks at another damaging combination-narcissism and OCD. Here’s what it looks like.

from World of Psychology

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