Tuesday 4 April 2017

Best of Our Blogs: April 4, 2017

It amazes me how easy we’re triggered these days. And yet, it makes sense. We were raised to bury our real emotions, to stuff it way down deep so others won’t be uncomfortable. However, when there isn’t a healthy outlet to express what we truly feel, we explode. Many of us are walking time bombs with unhealed wounds, ready to attack if someone says something the wrong way.

True connection and intimacy, however, requires vulnerability and discomfort. It doesn’t have to mean being rude, mean or hurtful. It requires us to be self-aware and responsible with our feelings. It requires curiosity and the ability to reflect instead of immediately react.

More than ever, we need to step back, own our own stuff and work together to draw meaning, understanding and compassion in a situation even if we don’t completely agree.

This week, use our posts on rumination, self-reflection and narcissism to think about the way you see the world. It’s not just about protecting our hearts, or defending our point of view. As you read, the lesson is in understanding ourselves better so we can interact with others in a deeper, more understanding way.

Why Do You Ruminate? And 3 Steps to Stop It
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – Can’t stop thinking about something you said or shouldn’t have said? Here’s why you’re full of regret and can’t let the negative thoughts go.

How to Really See Yourself
(Weightless) – If you only see thunder thighs and wrinkled skin, you’re missing out on the real you. Explore these creative ways to see yourself.

Don’t Piss With Narcissistic Abuse Survivors (“We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore”)
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – So this is why you’re not the nice person you used to be. According to Lenora, that might just be a good thing.

20 Styles of Narcissism: Which Ones Describe Someone in Your Life?
(Narcissism Decoded) – There isn’t just one type of narcissist. Bet you didn’t know there are 20 different flavors. See which one matches the narcissist in your life.

The Levels of Deceptive People
(The Exhausted Woman) – He or she seems nice, but is there something else at play? Read these signs of a deceptive person.

from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2017/04/04/best-of-our-blogs-april-4-2017/

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