Thursday 6 April 2017

World Health Organization Shines Light and Spreads Hope for Depression with #LetsTalk

April 7th, 2017 the World Health Organization launches a year-long campaign called on a global health issue for Global Health Day, and this year that focus is depression via #LetsTalk. IFred joins in that effort with a campaign asking for all to plant sunflowers around the world, post a sign and share the message of Hope, that depression is treatable. The Global Day for Hope site reinforces this message through a platform, and encourages all to plant sunflower gardens in their communities and add it to the map, giving a strong, collective, unified voice to the cause. 

According to a report by the World Health Organization, suicide is a preventable mental health disorder that is treatable.  And yet, because it is not significantly addressed, we lose over 1 million lives annually and is a leading cause of death for our youth. It is estimated to cost the world over 1 trillion dollars a year, yet research shows that for every dollar invested, 4 is returned. 

Join us on April 7th and beyond, using some of the following techniques: 

  • Plant Sunflowers: Plant one, plant a garden, get friends and community involved and celebrate HOPE together. Put up a sign that shows the shows that it is OK to talk about depression. 
  • Wear Yellow: Yellow is the color of the joy and happiness we feel when depression is successfully treated. Show solidarity for the cause on April 7th (Global Health Day) and October 10th (Global Mental Health Day). 
  • Share, Share, Share:  Post, tweet, or share a photo on social media. Use our template for What Brings You Hope. Shine your light on hope and use the hashtags #Hope2017 #LetsTalk and be sure to tag us @ifredorg. 

If you want to get more engaged, bring lessons of Hope to your community through our free, online Schools for Hope curriculum. Research suggests hope is a teachable skill, so by incorporating these messages to youth we have the power to transform lives. Thanks for sharing our message and joining in solidarity for this very important cause. 

And please remember, if feeling suicidal, call 1-800-273TALK (8255) in the US and you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7. 

from World of Psychology

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