Friday 2 June 2017

Best of Our Blogs: June 2, 2017

On a daily basis, your mind is flooded with activity. If it’s like mine, many of those thoughts are negative. It’s focusing on what you didn’t say, your failures, not to mention your thighs.

We’re often cognizant of our diet, but less conscious of the emotional food we’re digesting every day. Want an easy way to shift your mood? Simply switch the station.

Feed your mind with good for you thoughts. But don’t just think of it, feel it.

Remember how you felt when you went hiking with a friend, a child hugged you or sinked into a warm bath? Remember what it feels like to feel loved, at peace, and purposeful? Take several doses of that experience daily and you will feel better, instantly.

Where There Is Narcissism, There Will Be Anger
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – If you’re full of anger and don’t know why, this could explain where it comes from.

Why Daughters of Narcissists Are Drawn to Narcissistic Men (Daddy Issues, Part 3)
(Recovering from a Narcissist) – Catch yourself falling for the same guy? Your tendency to get involved in toxic relationships could have to do with your vulnerability to narcissistic men.

9 Things You Need to Do If You’re Involved With a Narcissist
(Knotted) – It’s the post you need to read if you’re stuck in relationship with a narcissistic person. Here’s how to take control in an out of a control situation.

Where We’ve Gone Wrong With Mindfulness
(Cultivating Contentment & Happiness) – Is your mindfulness practice missing this vital component?

Five Narcissistic Relationship Survival Tips
(The Recovery Expert) – You can heal from a narcissistic relationship. This will help.

from World of Psychology

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