Friday 5 February 2016

Best of Our Blogs: February 5, 2016

Happy Makeup Blond Woman Hugging Herself With Natural Emotion OnMy biggest dreams came true early in 2016.

For the past few years I’ve been struggling with two chronic illnesses. This year, I learned I was healed of both.

I think a variety of things led to a change in my health. There were the usual things like diet and exercise. For example, eating more whole foods and eliminating processed foods, and doing more meditative exercises like yoga and hiking and less high intensity-high endurance ones. But I came to the realization that none of it would have been possible unless I accomplished one thing first.

I had to believe I was worth it.

In order to be successful with your 2016 goals, whether it’s lose weight, or find a meaningful friendship, you need to start with our first post this week. Learning how to love yourself will be the thing that finally takes you to where you want to go this year.

Applying the 5 Love Languages to Self-Love: How to Love Yourself
(The Psychology of Love) – You’ve probably heard it before, but before you can love others, you’ve got to learn to love yourself. This post shows you how by transforming the ideas from a bestselling book’s secret on romantic love to self-love.

5 Simple Steps to Create a New Habit that Sticks
(NLP Discoveries) – Habits may be the key to your success in 2016. Learn how to make them stick with these tips.

Unloved Daughters and the Problem of Friendship
(Knotted) – Do you struggle with finding lasting friendships? This could be the reason why.

Overweight? The Cause May Not Be What You Think
(Leveraging Adversity) – If you think a lack of exercise is causing your weight gain, think again. Find out what’s a major risk factor to obesity and what you can do to combat it.

“Victim” isn’t a Dirty Word, so Don’t Revictimize Me!
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – When Lenora publicly shares her personal past, she gets a response she didn’t expect. In fact, many victims share the experience of getting re-victimized through shame.

from World of Psychology

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