Friday 11 March 2016

Best of Our Blogs: March 11, 2016

tantrumI have a two-year-old so my home is often filled with the sounds of toddler tantrums. The constant yelling made me wonder where tantrums go when we grow into adults. We may have learned to silence our inner child in public, but how many of us are walking around with our own need to scream?

Take a look at the internet and TV and it’s not hard to see we’re an angry bunch of folks. Chances are we’re projecting our inner state of unhappiness on the world.

Perhaps, our inner child is screaming for validation, for rest, for a chance to be heard. Instead of tapping into how we really feel, we’re sabotaging our relationships with others and our self.

Maybe your road rage with a fellow driver, fight with your neighbor or agitation at the store clerk has little to do with them. Use our top posts this week to start asking yourself what you’re really in need of. Whether it’s advice on dealing with your partner, your illness, or therapy, you’ll start to see that healing yourself will change your life from the inside out.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder is Changing.
(Bipolar Laid Bare) – Thank goodness we’re not living in a time when the best treatments for bipolar disorder involve “bloodletting and witchcraft.” This post talks about the latest drug treatments, their side effects and which one may be the most effective treatment of them all.

Men: Why you Take your Wife for Granted
(NLP Discoveries) – If you feel like your partner is taking you for granted, this could explain why. This post may hold the key to why your relationships fail and what you can do about it.

5 Keys To Unlock Yourself From Conflict (And The Trauma Response)
(One Day You Will Roar) – When things get heated, you say things you don’t mean. When it comes to reacting out of anger, you try to rationalize your way out of it. But you should be doing this instead.

Is self-sufficiency making you depressed?
(Depression On My Mind) – If you were brought up to believe you need to do and take care of everything, you may be setting yourself up for a life of disconnection with others and yourself.

How To Tell If You Are Making Progress In Therapy
(Therapy Soup) – How do you know when it’s time to stop therapy? These tips will help you track your progress and tell you when it’s time to move on.

from World of Psychology

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