Saturday 12 March 2016

Psychology Around the Net: March 12, 2016


Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but from where I’m sitting it’s a sunshine-filled, 70-degree day, and the last thing I want to do is be indoors!

Still, I suggest you take your phone or tablet or laptop or whatever (oh, technology) outside, because you definitely don’t want to miss this week’s updates in the world of mental health.

Read on for the latest on how to create habits that revive lost motivation, why binge-watching television could be linked to depression, what some mental health patients have to say about a certain Bernie Sanders comment, and more.

Mental Health Patients to Bernie Sanders: Don’t Compare Us to the GOP Candidates: Generally, when it comes to politics, the topic of mental health comes up in two specific conversations: more resources for those dealing with mental illness, and, the ever controversial topic of gun control. However, during last Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate, Bernie Sanders took another approach (albeit, a spin on mental health resources) by insinuating certain Republican candidates and their antics are the reason we need to invest more attention, time, and money into those resources. Said Sanders (to the laugher of other Democratic candidates and some audience members), “You know, we are, if elected president, going to invest a lot of money into mental health […] and when you watch these Republican debates, you know why we need to invest in that.” Unsurprisingly, mental health patients and advocates took to Twitter to voice their disgust, and Forbes contributor Emily Willingham quite poignantly replied, “Indeed, comparing the actual playground antics of the Republican field to the experience of having a mental illness raises their immature behavior to something sober and serious while simultaneously diminishing the seriousness of how we treat — and clearly, also talk about — mental health in this country.”

These Are the 7 Habits of Highly Motivated People: Surely everyone loses motivation at one point or another (or, many) in their lives. Unfortunately, for people dealing with mental health issues like depression, panic, and anxiety, losing motivation can become commonplace. Here are seven habits you can cultivate to blend both your internal and external motivation to get back on track.

Binge-Watching TV Is Linked to Depression: Orange Is the New Black. House of Cards. Most recently, for some of us, Fuller House. (You know who you are.) If the results of this new study from the University of Toledo are accurate, “‘bing-watching’ [sic] is a growing public health concern that needs to be addressed” as 35% of the 408 participants who qualified as “binge-watchers” reported higher levels of anxiety, stress, and depression than did non-binge-watchers. (Should I be concerned about the five House of Cards episodes I devoured last night…?)

5 Reasons Why You Need Boundaries in Your Relationships and Life: According to self-love coach, teacher, and writer Jennifer Twardowski, failing to set boundaries in your relationships and life in general can lead to feeling “drained, tired, stressed out, and exhausted” (not to mention “under appreciated, unseen, and unsupported”). So, how exactly do setting boundaries combat these feelings? (HINT: It’s all about YOU.)

Fear of Spiders Makes Them Look Bigger: OK, as someone who isn’t sure whether she’s more afraid of spiders than she is of flying (or, maybe just actual airplanes — haven’t quite figured that one out yet), I couldn’t pass up sharing this study conducted by a psychologist who was inspired by a lab incident involving her own fear of spiders!

11 Common Workplace and Anxiety Dreams and What They Mean: Michael Lennox, Ph.D., a psychologist and an expert in dream interpretation, weighs in on some of the most common work-related dreams and what they mean — from having sex with a co-worker or being naked to simply riding the elevator or actually killing your boss.

from World of Psychology

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