Friday 18 March 2016

Best of Our Blogs: March 18, 2016

Scary GuestAnxiety can feel like an uninvited guest. Maybe you’ve come to expect it during certain situations or it always takes you by surprise. You’ve tried a lot of things to scare it away. But you may not have done this.

You’ve tried to eradicate it from your life. That makes sense. We call an exterminator to get rid of pests. We take medicine to get rid of illness. But recently when fear and anxiety began to bug me, I did something different.

Instead of meeting it with warring words and “I hope you just go away” mentality, I decided to be kind. I asked it what it needed from me. I told it that everything in this moment was just fine as it is. I said, “Thank you. I understand you’re just trying to help me.” The anxiety did not go away immediately, but it slowly and gradually began to dissipate.

While medicine and professionals are sometimes necessary resources, going with instead of against what’s difficult may be enough to soothe our suffering.

This week our top posts will help you ease your mind. Whether performance anxiety, depression or narcissism is getting the best of you and/or a loved one, maybe the first thing you can do is to be kind, compassionate and patient with it and yourself.

What Exactly is Hypomania?
(Bipolar Laid Bare) – Hypomania is often misunderstood. Find out more about the bipolar episode responsible for many patients going undiagnosed and misdiagnosed.

Unmasking a Narcissist: 5 Red Flags
(Knotted) – You felt unloved as a child and that makes you vulnerable to narcissists as an adult. See if these less talked about characteristics sound like anyone you know.

Nine Types of Drugs That Can Lead to Depression
(One Sober Life) – Some medications treat depression and others may be the cause of it. Go here to find out if the drugs you’re taking is making you depressed.

Rethinking Test Anxiety: From Anxious to Excited
(Stress Better) – If you have performance anxiety, embracing your stress may be better than trying to calm yourself down. Read how you can use stress to your advantage in lieu of your next test or presentation.

When Your Spouse Is Depressed
(The Gentle Self) – What do you do when your partner is depressed? If you feel burdened, overwhelmed and helpless, this post will give you information on what you can do to help them and yourself.

from World of Psychology

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