Tuesday 15 March 2016

Best of Our Blogs: March 15, 2016

HidingAre you hiding a secret?

Do you judge others for buying/eating/gossiping too much, but do the same thing yourself? Are you afraid that your husband will find out how much you’re really spending online, or your friend will discover you’re secretly sabotaging your health?

Gretchen Rubin shared this quote in Rules for Life That Happy People Know.

“Pay very special attention to anything you try to hide. The desire to hide something, from family or co-workers—to keep them from seeing what’s on the computer screen or from knowing how much time or money is spent on a habit—shows that, in some way, your actions don’t reflect your values.”

The habits you’re trying to hide may be pointing to an area of your life that requires your attention and self-reflection.

Read our posts this week and you may just close the gap between your actual and ideal life.

The Surprising Difference Between Effects of Abuse & Neglect
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – If you think emotional abuse and emotional neglect are virtually the same thing, you’re making a big mistake. It’s not only different by definition, but affects children in very different ways. If you’ve experienced either abuse or neglect, you can start the healing process by reading this.

Stockholm Syndrome: Loving Our Abuser
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions: “What did I do that was so bad? What happened to all the love? Why did they do all this shit to me?” you might be suffering from the same thing as this blogger.

How Your Interpretations Trigger Your Feelings
(Anger Management) – You’re anger toward the guy who cut you off or the woman who accidentally stepped on your toe has more to do with you than the situation. Find out how your past experiences shape your current perceptions.

How Journaling Can Benefit You If You’re Depressed
(Coping with Depression) – A simple thing you can do to ease your emotional distress could also be part of this self-care management idea. Read how writing down your thoughts can be mood boosting and life changing.

What Do You Want to Let Into Your Life?
(Weightless) – This is another great reason why journaling can heal you. This creative prompt will remove the weights that block you and invite the people, experiences and things to help you create a nourishing, happy life.

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/03/15/best-of-our-blogs-march-15-2016/

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