Friday 11 March 2016

How to Handle Rejection Gracefully

crossing-crossroad-businessman-fashionI’ve been there. I’ve asked girls out on dates and they said no. I’ve asked for raises or new jobs and have been shut down.

In each instance it’s important to remember to be graceful about how you handle the situation.

I realize it can be extremely hard to hear that something you had hoped for is not going to happen, but how you conduct yourself when you’re faced with an ending that didn’t go as you‘d hoped shows what kind of character you have and can set the stage for future encounters with this employer or love interest.

The first thing you have to do when faced with these situations is maintain control. Take several deep breaths or sigh if you have to, but keeping composure is essential. If you get angry or disappointed it’s important to maintain your grasp on your behavior. Don’t say something you’ll regret or do something out of your normal character. If you have to express your disappointment do it in a way that is still kind and understanding of the person you are interacting with.

The most important thing you can do though is to not try to force the issue. Stay calm and collected and bow out gracefully. It will save you an incredible amount of embarrassment.

Learning to handle yourself gracefully in the midst of rejection is a very important skill to have and it comes in handy not only in moments of rejection but also in heated situations like arguments and debates.

Conceding, while it may be against your nature to do so, shows that you remain unfazed by extreme emotional fluctuations.

I know I personally have had to keep my lid on in moments of extreme delusion and paranoia and staying cool and calm comes in extremely handy, especially when you aren’t entirely sure what’s happening.

The second piece of advice I can impart is that letting the situation go, letting the argument or the delusion or the desire go is extremely important. It’s important not only for the health of your social standing but also for your own mental health.

I know how easy it can be to cogitate on a situation that didn’t seem to go well for hours or days, but releasing the anxiety and the burden of the situation can help you maintain stability. Simply say, “I accept that this is the way it is,” and move on.

Letting go of that and not fighting it can be extremely beneficial in helping you maintain stability, and it can set the stage for future interactions. Forgive the other person if you have to. Harboring ill will towards someone isn’t good for either party, and it can contribute to stress which is an automatic light switch for future symptoms related to mental illness.

Knowing the reality of a situation and handling it well can serve you well in every area of your life. Rejection is a part of life and learning to handle it gracefully is extremely important.

Remember that everybody has difficult moments and you are never alone in feeling the way that you do.

from World of Psychology

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