Tuesday 12 April 2016

Best of Our Blogs: April 12, 2016

Feeling Empty Word CloudYou keep searching for the key thing to make it all better. You spend more moments than you’d admit looking for the perfect thing to fill that vacuum. I know the place. I’ve been there before.

The pain of feeling unworthy, and unloved feels like a slow, dying. You think no one else is going through what you’re going through. And the only energy you have is focused on how to escape it.

If I could talk to myself back when I was struggling, I would say, “There is hope. There is light. There is happiness, joy and love beyond what you can picture for yourself. More people love you than you realize. You matter and you will find your way. It takes courage to get through one moment at a time.”

If you’re struggling, surround yourself with supportive people including friends, family, and a good therapist. Our posts this week will also deliver this important message: whether you’re struggling with loneliness, emptiness, or addiction, you’re definitely not alone.

What Causes Codependency?
(Happily Imperfect) – You’re a people-pleaser who controls everything and always feel guilty. This could finally explain why.

Feeling Empty in a Full Life
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – You’re busier than ever. But while your life is full, you don’t feel whole. Here are the things you’re doing to keep yourself empty.

Alcoholism: Why Can’t I Stop Drinking?
(One Sober Life) – It’s not the drink itself, but what it’s doing for you that makes you dependent on it. This could be the answer to why you’re struggling with quitting.

What we’re missing in treating addiction
(Depression On My Mind) – What happens after you leave the safety and support of a rehab? According to this, you’re not getting the treatment and support you need.

Things Your Dentist Hasn’t Told You That Could Hinder Your Recovery
(One Sober Life) – You’re a recovering addict or alcoholic. You’ve done a lot to improve your health. But the next step is focusing on your teeth. Here are all the things you need to know about your oral health.

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/04/12/best-of-our-blogs-april-12-2016/

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