Saturday 2 April 2016

Psychology Around the Net: April 2, 2016


Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

I’m hoping you all ended your week with some funny April Fools’ Day shenanigans, and are ready to start the weekend with some of the latest developments in mental health!

Read on for news on how men are more vulnerable to developing stress-related depression, how people with mental health issues fit in when it comes to physician-assisted suicide, ways you can effectively help another person cope with anxiety or depression, and more.

Men More Vulnerable to Developing Depression From Long-Term Stress: Although we’ve long believed women are more prone to suffering life’s stresses, which often can turn into depression, new research (which focuses heavily on gender) from the University of Michigan of Public Health claims “[…] men are 50 percent more vulnerable to the effects of stress when the researchers examined how stressful events translated into depression 25 years later.”

The Risky Concept Of Mental Illness Assisted Suicide: The topic of assisted suicide (or, “physician-assisted suicide, PAS) is controversial enough; what happens when we turn the debate from assisting someone suffering from a physical illness to assisting someone with a psychiatric condition? Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba (Canada) Harvey Max Chochinov discusses a special committee’s report to Parliment, which states “[…] an overwhelming consensus among witnesses that palliative care needs to be improved more generally, and that better supports need to be provided for individuals with disabilities, individuals with mental health issues, and individuals with dementia.”

How the Brain Processes Emotion: A new study from MIT uncovers brain neurons located in the amygdala contribute to the process of how the brain assigns emotional associations to events which, once we learn more about “how this information is routed and misrouted,” could help us better understand mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even addiction.

8 Tips for Coping with Other’s Anxiety or Depression: People are diagnosed with and manage illnesses and other disorders everyday. Diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer — everything. As someone who doesn’t have experience (and to be fair, professional training) with these conditions, it’s unlikely you know how to help…without a little help yourself, that is. Thus, it isn’t so surprising that someone who hasn’t managed his or her own anxiety or depression before might be a bit confused on how to help others who struggle with them. Here are eight tips on how you can help a family member, friend, or even a close co-worker cope with anxiety or depression the right ways.

The Genes for Pot Addiction Have Been Identified: During new research published in JAMA Psychiatry, one of the identified genes is linked to a risk for both depression and marijuana addiction, which might help clear up why past studies have presented such conflicting information (e.g. whether or not smoking marijuana causes depression); if there are genes that increase the risk for both conditions, it might look like an addiction to marijuana causes depression, when actually, people with a genetic risk for depression are more likely to smoke more pot in order to self-medicate.

Fostering Creativity to Improve the Patient Experience: Yuna Lee, a Ph.D candidate at the Yale School of Public Health, is using the inspiration she found by watching her family manage multiple nursing homes to write her dissertation on how patient experience can be improved by fostering creativity and innovation in health care organizations. Says Lee, “I’m trying to understand what the creative process looks like in health care, and in many ways it looks different from other industries […] What ideas take hold and which ones fail, and what can leaders and managers do to nurture the most promising ideas?”

from World of Psychology

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