Sunday 12 June 2016

6 Ways to Achieve Genuine Happiness During Depression

Take Care Of Your Self.

Every time I watch television, I see a commercial for anti-depressants and I’m taken back to a time in my life when I was severely depressed and ON such medications. I was so depressed that I was hospitalized for three weeks. The overwhelming feelings of fear, sadness and anxiety were paralyzing.

Today I hear that depression is a “disease” — that it’s a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes it. It’s estimated that one in four women are currently taking different types of medications to try and cure this “disease.” This gives me the impression that it is considered a preexisting condition, there is no control of it and overcoming it isn’t possible.

What It’s Like Inside The Psychological Purgatory of Depression

For me, depression didn’t have to be a life sentence. You just need to learn about the benefits of not thinking negatively. What’s external in your life has NOTHING to do with who you are, or what you will become.

There are many people, like myself, who don’t want to be dependent on medication and want to achieve happiness genuinely.

So instead of thinking your depression is just the way you are, here are 6 options to consider to help you feel content and happy:

1. Get Professional Help.

Hire a qualified counselor, therapist, or coach who you can work with. A professional will be completely objective with you, will not judge you, and will provide you with a SAFE place to discuss your troubles in confidence.

They MAY also recommend anti-depressants, but at least it will be a means to an end instead of a lifetime of dependency.

2. Commit to the Process.

Recovery wasn’t easy, and it took a lot of work. It was tough at first, and sometimes I really wanted to quit. You have to fight through your feelings and commit to the process so you can begin to heal and move on with your life.

3. Really BELIEVE That Your Life Will Get Better.

You have to believe life can be better. At my worst I felt as if I didn’t want to live anymore, but then I realized it wasn’t that I didn’t want to LIVE anymore… it was that I didn’t want to live like THIS anymore.

It took professional help, a lot of work, going into debt, and commitment to make a full recovery.

4. Get Moving.

Exercise produces endorphins that stimulate the brain and can act as a natural anti-depressant. The rhythm of working out can help you process things you discussed in therapy or have read in a self help book.

Find an activity you enjoy and get going. You may not feel like doing it at first, but it’ll get better with time. You have to trust the process.

Why People Who Have Struggled Most In Life Are Always The Kindest

5. Be Thankful for Everything (and Everyone) You DO Have.

To help steer away from negative thoughts, start thinking of what you’re thankful for. Start with simple things like a hot shower or a smile from a stranger.

If you practice this daily, it will become a natural part of your thought process and you will constantly realize all the things you’re grateful for, what you DO have in your life, and the positive things that will keep you going.

6. Do Something for Someone Else.

Volunteering helped me to focus on others and away from my own troubles. It felt good to know I was helping others. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer in your community and no shortage of others who need help, so take the time away from yourself to focus on someone else. It may just be the thing you need to get you out of your funk and back into the world.

My battle with depression was indeed a fight — a long, drawn out fight for my life. It took grit, determination and perseverance.

For those who think your depression is unchangeable, I invite you to reconsider. Take a stand for yourself and fight for a better life.

For more information, check out this Ted Talk on the mindful way to get through depression.

This guest article originally appeared on Just Because You’re Depressed Doesn’t Mean You’ll Feel Sad Forever.

from World of Psychology

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