Tuesday 7 June 2016

Best of Our Blogs: June 7, 2016

Self Made LamentOh the amount of energy I spent and continue to spend consumed with it. All that time wasted when I could be focused on my professional goals, my family on myself.

That’s what happens when you’re stuck in victimhood. You think everything bad is the result of someone else’s doing.

Recently, I discovered the path towards greater growth begins when I redirect my attention. Instead of grieving over what he or she did or said, I’ve been working with my own reaction to it. Is there a way that I can have compassion for them? Is there a way that I can grow compassion for myself?

Truthfully, we all spend more energy on things we can’t control. But doing so leaves us helpless, drained and jaded. As you move through our posts this week on everything from vulnerability to brutally honest people, see if you can shift your attention on how others are treating you to how you can treat yourself.

Beware The Brutally Honest
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – Why brutally honest people should keep their honesty to themselves. Here’s the hidden truth behind brutally honest people and the less painful alternative to expressing your truth.

What’s The Difference Between OCD And Perfectionism?
(Happily Imperfect) – Are you a perfectionist or OCD? You may not be neither. Read the differences, and the disorder that may be masking as the two.

The Biggest Secret of Being Thin
(Quick Fix) – Big or small. Fat or thin. This cartoon suggests we have more in common than you think.

Nobody is Judging You as Harshly as You Judge Yourself
(Of Two Minds) – Why the harshest cruelest words are those you tell yourself. If you obsess over what others think of you, you need to read this.

Vulnerability- The Birthplace of Happiness?
(Leveraging Adversity) – You may have had a difficult childhood. Maybe you’re currently struggling right now. But you are not doomed to a life of misery. In fact, here’s the reason why your setbacks can lead to your greatest strengths.

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/06/07/best-of-our-blogs-june-7-2016/

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