Friday 1 March 2019

Best of Our Blogs: March 1, 2019

Have you ever had the experience of sharing something deeply personal to someone you trusted and instead of the validation you needed, they said something like, “Cheer up,” or, “Be grateful?” Or maybe they gave you advice when what you needed was assurance that you weren’t alone, that how you were feeling wasn’t crazy or weird.

The thing is most people didn’t grow up with parents who said the right thing. We didn’t learn it in school unless we went to school to be a therapist.

I’ve said it before that we need to find our own tribe and depend on them. Stop going to the people who can’t tolerate your stuff. They are out there. Don’t give up.

As you’ll read this week, putting on a smiling face when you’re not happy will do more harm than good in the long run. In fact, seeing your life as it is is how you get to a place where you can cheer up and feel grateful. But first you need to address what you’re really feeling and give yourself permission to feel that.

3 Emotions that Identify Subtle Abuse and Disrespect
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – You put up with rude and disrespectful behavior more than the next guy. Here’s why.

7 Reasons a Narcissist Engages in Hoovering
(Neuroscience & Relationships) – No matter what you do he or she keeps reappearing in your life. It all makes sense after reading this.

When Smiling Hurts: 10 Reasons People with Depression Feign Happiness
(Relationship Corner) – If you’re suffering, consider putting away the mask. Seeking help will do more good in the long run.

Movies R Us – 4 Shows and Why they Matter
(Sex, Text & What’s Next) – Does art imitate life? A psychotherapist reviews the reality in movies and television shows.

Four Kinds of Relationships That Create Depression and Anxiety
(Dysfunction Interrupted) – If you have one of these types of relationships, you’re bound to feel depressed and/or anxious.

from World of Psychology

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