Saturday 6 April 2019

7 Savvy Strategies for the Spring Season

Spring time is traditionally the time we feel freer. More hours of sunshine, warmer weather and flowers blossoming inspire us to do better with whatever we want to achieve. If you’re like most folks, you’ll begin to put the pressure on yourself to lose those extra pounds and get on an exercise regime. After all, bathing suit time is just around the corner. You’ll also urge yourself to save money, get better organized and be more focused. And, of course, spend more time with family and friends. Excellent ideas.

So how come it takes you just a few days to give up on these determinations? Are you just weak-willed? Or could it be that your determinations have set you up for failure?

This spring instead of spotlighting the same old objectives, how about shifting your thoughts toward savvy strategies that just might make you a winner in the months ahead.

Here are a few you might try:

  1. Don’t curb your enthusiasm! We each have our own way of approaching life. Yours will differ from others, many of whom will keep telling you how wrong you are! That’s okay. Let them talk. But you, you must remain enthusiastic about celebrating your unique interests and aptitudes. And even your imperfections!
  2. Celebrate my imperfections? What? If those imperfections are not weighing you down, let them be. Nobody’s perfect. Who knows when those imperfections might turn out to be just what you need to achieve success! However, if your imperfections really are preventing you from living the life you wish to live, turn your attention toward what you need to learn to conquer them.
  3. Appreciate that you are a work in progress. Sure, some people seem to have their life altogether. But most of us have to work hard to do what others seem to do naturally. So what? Who said life is supposed to be easy? Though you still have a lot to learn, take pride in who you are right now.
  4. Put a lid on your id… at least long enough to finish what you start. It’s so easy to get distracted in the digital age. So squash that urge to jump from thing to thing without finishing anything. Say “no” to diversions so that you can say a sensational “yes” to accomplishments.
  5. Shift gears by changing your negative narratives into positive ones. When you hear yourself saying “I can’t …”, change course by saying “but one thing I can do is …” Ending your narrative on a positive note helps get you motivated to do what you think you cannot do.
  6. Learn something new. You choose what it is. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn an instrument, play a sport, master a digital program. Whatever it is, don’t psych yourself out by telling yourself you can’t, it’s too hard. Yup, it may indeed be hard. But if you stay with it, you’ll eventually be rewarded with achieving your goal as well as a pocketful of pride and a sprinkling of self-confidence.
  7. Practice gratitude. Sure, there’s so much you don’t have that others have. So much that hasn’t worked out for you. Why should you be grateful? Because no matter how challenging your struggles are, take the time to reflect on what you do have, what you have achieved. What you’re grateful for will then emerge.

Now it’s your turn! Think of 3 more savvy strategies to help you turn this springtime into a season that will enrich your relationships, enhance your spirit, while you enjoy multitude of moments and energize yourself to bring to fruition what you desire.


from World of Psychology

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