Friday 12 April 2019

Best of Our Blogs: April 12, 2019

It’s that time of year when spring cleaning gets mentioned in articles and blog posts. There’s physical clutter to deal with along with all the corners, nooks and crannies that you’ve avoided or forgotten to clean.

There’s also emotional clutter that’s been storing up dust. There’s the conversation you know you need to have with your aging parent. There’s fear you’ve never dealt with from childhood that’s beginning to impact your relationships.

It can be overwhelming no matter what you’re planning on cleaning up this spring. But it doesn’t have to be. Starting with tiny steps can look like buying a new cleaning tool or searching for a therapist. I even found this post on, “9 Embarrassing Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask a Therapist,” that could motivate you to get started. And our top post this week asks you questions that can help you clean up old ways of thinking. Happy reading!

15 Questions to Help You Know Yourself
(Weightless) – You think you don’t have the time, but self-reflection can happen in a moment while sitting with a cup of tea or going for a morning stroll.

The Rarely Recognized Route into the Black Middle-Class: Staying Single and Living Alone
(Single At Heart) – It’s an interesting look at a rising group in society and what it says about the benefits of marriage.

7 Biases That Hinder Your Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
(Liberation After Narcissistic Abuse) – These patterns of thinking are keeping you hooked on your narcissist.

My One-minute Mini Meditations
(The Exhausted Woman) – Need a break, but don’t have the time to take one? If you have one minute, you can experiment with these beautiful meditations.

Many Of Us Are Victims Of Trauma & We Don’t Even Know It
(Thoughts of a Therapist) – Here’s what trauma is and what type of therapy can help.

from World of Psychology

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