Tuesday 16 April 2019

Best of Our Blogs: April 16, 2019

Stress creeps on you. It’s the little aggravations that tear at you day after day. Traffic. Bills. Phone calls. Texts. Your child’s school. Family disagreements. Balancing work and family life. Even summer vacation can be stressful.

Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s the inability to build healthy support systems to cope over time that can impact your physical and emotional health.

The trick is to set up tools and create habits in place to counteract daily stress. Schedule time for self-care daily, weekly and monthly. Make sure to include exercise, meditation and time in nature.

Even when things are going well and you don’t feel stressed, if you’re having trouble sleeping and feel irritable, it’s worth taking a second look. Are you ignoring or addressing these daily annoyances? When is the last time you unplugged and devoted time to taking care of yourself?

11 Signs of a Toxic Relationship
(The Exhausted Woman) – Check for things before getting involved and you’ll avoid another toxic relationship.

Narcissist’s Mixed Messages
(The Recovery Expert) – You never know where you stand with him or her. This is the reason why and what you can do about it.

Is Shaming Yourself a Habit? The Magic Question to Help Stop Shame in Its Tracks
(Perfectly Hidden Depression) – Here are three ways to stop that shame train in its tracks.

Has “Childhood Emotional Neglect” Become A Household Term?
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – It started with an inkling in this therapist’s mind. Read about the history of childhood emotional neglect.

From “The One” to “the Ones”: A Beautiful Personal Story
(Single At Heart) – Love doesn’t end when a relationship ends. It can develop into something different and beautiful.

from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/best-of-our-blogs-april-16-2019/

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