Tuesday 8 March 2016

Our Shared Journey through Life

our shared journey through lifeImagine our entire life story being one that has already been sketched out, like a predestined game of Chutes and Ladders. There are going to be trials and tribulations, but life is a game and it must go on. There is no telling which move you take is going to lead you to a downfall or a tremendous surge of success. But that’s it right there, the most important rule of the game: in order to live and experience all the tremendous bounties of life, you have to consciously move forward, abandoning fear of the consequences.

Picture also each and every person you meet in your life in this world to be a player committed to reaching the same end as you. Each relationship we form offers a unique platform, helping us refine, acknowledge, or grow in one way or another. Therefore, treat every relationship you forge as a sacred one — be it a parental, sibling, marital, or platonic one.

Even a fleeting encounter with a waiter in a restaurant can enlighten a person in one way or another. Therefore treat each person you meet, however menial their job may seem, with the utmost respect, for in all possibility, that encounter has been perfectly structured and timed to shed some light on areas of yourself that need growth or improvement. Don’t let that moment slip away! Seize it, and use it for self-amelioration.

At the end of the day, when you view and cherish human relationships this way, as an interactive medium spurring endless uplifting and personal progress, you help create a large group of people moving forward alongside each other to reach their respective goals. Having established this attitude of symbiotic human interaction, you will begin to see the only way any of you are going to reach the end faster or better is if you focus on your role, and lend a helping hand every now and then.

What about the dice you throw? Well, the fun part is not knowing what life’s going to throw at you at every turn, in order to push the right buttons and test you. Don’t fret though, this is only nature’s way of polishing your rough edges and toughening you up for stormy days ahead, should they happen. And when all the rainy clouds have passed, have faith that you will enjoy your fair share of rainbow skies. So chin up, live, and let live!

Dice photo available from Shutterstock

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/03/08/our-shared-journey-through-life/

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