Friday 20 May 2016

Best of Our Blogs: May 20, 2016

Quit Word on a red computer keyboard button or key to illustrateI’ve been a quitter most of my life. I’ve quit the small things (e.g. diets and projects) and big ones too (e.g. jobs, and friendships). But as I got older, I realized that the really good things in life were worth sacrificing. Besides, you couldn’t quit when things got hard during pregnancy, in labor, a long-term relationship or when you have children. You couldn’t just hold up your hands, wave that white flag and say, “I give up!”

I remember a pivotal moment when I realized it. I was sitting in my living room, two kids in tow and felt myself starting to self-pity. I was tired. They were sick. I just didn’t think I had it in me to take care of them. I wanted to give up. When a wave of discouragement started to crash down on me, I realized I had two options. I could surrender to what is or I could make the situation harder on all of us by worrying, complaining and thinking about all the other things I wish I could do.

The house didn’t get cleaned that day. But surrendering to the mess, my situation and the kids by being present and not quitting on myself, changed me. It taught me I had superhero strength. If I was never forced to test it, I would never know it existed.

That’s what I believe of you too. Just when you think you can’t go on, when raising an ADHD child or dealing with mental illness has got you down, it’ll be there, waiting for you to tap into it.

To The Parent of an ADHD Child
(Loving a Child with ADHD) – If you’re a parent and especially a caregiver of an ADHD child, you might feel spent on most days. You do it without recognition. You do it for love. This is for you.

11 Superpowers of Highly Sensitive Children
(Stress Better) – Think your child’s difficulty with loud noises and crowded places sets them up for hardship when they get older? Think again. Here are a few wonderful qualities that come with being highly sensitive.

Why Cheat?
(Sex, Text & What’s Next) – Is your partner cheating on you? You could spend your energy on trying to catch them, but this blogger says to focus on this instead.

People With ADHD Symptoms More Likely to Be Self-Employed
(ADHD Millennial) – There are several reasons why people with ADHD are drawn to self-employment. Do these characteristics of entrepreneurship seem attractive to you?

Myth: Smoking and Drinking Relieve Anxiety and Depression
(Social Anxiety) – If you think smoking and drinking is helping you cope with mental illness, think again. Find out why its effects are only temporary and what helps instead.

from World of Psychology

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