Saturday 21 May 2016

Psychology Around the Net: May 21, 2016

mental health tower

They’re at the tailend of the U.K.’s Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) across the pond!

Similar to October’s Mental Illness Awareness Week here in the U.S., the U.K.’s MHAW, supported by the Mental Health Foundation, is all about educating people about mental health and helping people learn the importance of taking care of their mental health.

Thus, you’ll see some U.K.-related information in this week’s post, including news about the royal’s latest mental health campaign and new information about psychedelics and depression. Also catch up on the latest about relationships and mental health, strategies for better sleep, and the importance of doing things by yourself.

Relationships: The Forgotten Foundation of Good Mental Health: This year, the Mental Health Foundation is focusing on “relationships,” and according to Cal Strode, the organization’s Senior Media Officer, “People who are more socially connected to family, friends, or their community are happier, physically healthier and live longer with fewer mental health problems than people who are less well connected.”

British Royals Launch Campaign to Tackle Stigma of Mental Health: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry want the campaign, Heads Together, to help “change the national conversation on mental health and wellbeing,” stating it “will be a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges.”

How To Sleep Better: 5 Strategies For Tonight: Forbes contributor Kevin Kruse highlights five of the best strategies to get quality sleep covered in author Shawn Stevenson’s new book, Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies To Sleep Your Way To A Better Body, Better Health And Bigger Success. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Book link is not an affiliate link. We make no money if you buy it; we just want to share the information about it!)

Magic Mushrooms ‘Promising’ in Depression: An tiny study out of Imperial College London showed “promising” results concerning using psilocybin (a psychedelic that naturally occurs in more than 200 mushroom species) to treat depression. The study involved only 12 people who’d all tried at least two treatments for depression, unsuccessfully. After taking various doses of psilocybin, eight of the patients were no longer depressed, and five of the patients remained depression free after three months. One of the researchers, Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, says “We now need larger trials to understand whether the effects we saw in this study translate into long-term benefits,” warning that until those larger trials take place, taking psilocybin “isn’t a magic cure.”

The Power of Going It Alone: Think doing things by yourself is sad, depressing, or just plane lonely? Patrick Allan says that’s hogwash — doing things on your own “develops self-sufficiency, gives you time for honest reflection, and, forces you to learn to like yourself a little — or at least figure out why you don’t.”

Why We’re Talking About Music and Mental Health This Week: To mark the U.K.’s Mental Health Awareness Week, VICE takes a look at mental health in the music industry, sidestepping the usual discussions about how our mental health affects creativity and focusing instead on how “the lifestyle which comes with a career in the music industry can exacerbate mental distress, especially when exposed to the harsh glare of fame and fandom, pressure and criticism, and the unstructured lifestyle of touring and recording.”

Mom’s Voice Activates Many Different Regions in Children’s Brains: A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that children’s brains engage more when they hear their mothers’ voices as opposed to the voices of other women. Beyond auditory areas of the brain, regions involved are related to “emotion and reward processing, social functions, detection of what is personally relevant and face recognition.”

from World of Psychology

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