Saturday 28 May 2016

Psychology Around the Net: May 28, 2016


Here in the U.S., we’re currently in the midst of Memorial Day Weekend (with this Monday — May 30, 2106 — being Memorial Day). Generally, Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer and many Americans kick off with cookouts, beach trips, and boat rides on the lake or river.

However, that’s not what Memorial Day represents.

Memorial Day is the holiday that honors the men and women who died serving in the U.S. military, with its origins dating back to the late 1860s when people began holding tributes to fallen soldiers of the American Civil War.

Thus, even though Memorial Day has morphed into a time to party for many, for many still, it’s a time to honor the dead…and, with death comes the grief of loss.

If you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, I invite you to take a look at HelpGuide’s Coping With Grief and Loss (tons of resources), as well as visit Psych Central’s own forum for Grief and Loss where you can connect with others.

Now, let’s get on with this week’s latest in mental health news!

Sebastian Junger’s Take on PTSD: After spending decades reporting from war zones, journalist, best-selling author, and award-winning filmmaker Sebastian Junger has released his latest book, Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging (March 24, 2016), which “argues counterintuitively that the society American soldiers return to does more to cause post-traumatic stress disorder than combat does.” On his new book, Junger claims “[h]umans don’t mind duress, in fact they thrive on it. What they mind is not feeling necessary.”

#MyDepressionLooksLike Shines a Light On the True Faces of Mental Illness: We’re at the tailend of Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S., but it’s never to late to for all of us help stop the stigma of mental illness by standing up and showing what symptoms of mental illness really look like. Thousands of Twitter users took to social media this month using the hashtag #MyDepressionLooksLike to share their own experiences and educate others, and you can, too.

FDA Considering Pricey Implant As Treatment For Opioid Addiction: Soon, the FDA is expected to make a decision about Probuphine — an device made up of four rods that provide a controlled release of buprenorphine, which is a type of drug used to treat opiod addiction. Proponents believe that because Probuphine is implanted in the skin, people won’t be able to easily sell it on the illegal market. However, even though the studies show that 12% of people who used the implant relapsed (compared to the 28% who relapsed using the pill form), some believe the high price will be a problem for patients.

Chirlane McCray Enlists New York Clergy in Mental Health Outreach: As part of a three-day campaign called the “Mental Health Weekend of Faith” by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray to promote ThriveNYC, a project to improve NYC’s mental health system, approximately “1,000 churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship” spoke to their congregations about mental illness, “reaching an estimated 250,000 people.” However, this is just the beginning; the city plans to spend $850 million on mental health programs over the next four years.

What Cosplay Taught Me About Confidence: Struggling to build up your self-confidence? Maybe it’s time to put on a costume. Check out how Eric Ravenscraft explains why dressing up as another character helped him experiment with new identities (and get comfortable with the uncomfortable nature of that), helped him build instant connections with new people, and change the situation’s context so he was in his own element.

Money Really Does Matter in Relationships: According to a new study published in Frontiers in Psychology, we choose our romantic partners based not only on emotions and feelings, but also based on how “rich” we feel compared to other, possibly prospective romantic interests. The two experiments involved assigning men and women as either wealthy or poor and then examining their mating behavior and, well, let’s just say some of us start looking toward new horizons when we think our bank accounts are a little fatter!

from World of Psychology

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