Tuesday 24 May 2016

Best of Our Blogs: May 24, 2016

Open Book On NightstandI’ve been guilty of doing it late at night-staying up to pound through various books, blog posts, and rigorously searching for the “right” way to do things. Anything less than that would cost me unbearable shame and validate a deeply hidden sense of unworthiness.

After stacks of books couldn’t “cure” me, I realized the answers rarely rested in those pages. Before I could do any permanent change, I needed to revisit my belief of conditional worthiness. Regardless of what I did or said or accomplished, I deserved love, compassion, kindness, acceptance and forgiveness. If I wasn’t willing to first give it to myself, I would never be able to receive it from someone else.

As you peruse our top posts this week, I hope you will do so mindfully. Read each with the awareness that while there may be best ways to approach a situation, making a mistake and messing up does not mean you are a failure. It does not mean you are a terrible person. It means you are human, a work in progress, and on the road to becoming a better version of you.

How to Confront an Abusive Person
(The Exhausted Woman) – You’ve allowed someone to abuse you whether physical and emotional or even spiritual and financial. You don’t have to live this way any longer. Let this post free you from abusive behavior forever.

Symptom of the Day: Physical Restlessness
(Bipolar Laid Bare) – More than 75% of all bipolar patients experience it. Learn more about the symptom that puts you at risk for violence, substance abuse and other risky behavior.

What Are Healthy Boundaries and Why Do I Need Them?
(Happily Imperfect) – You’re frustrated. You feel take advantage of. Yet, you won’t set boundaries. Here’s why and why they are so important.

Not a Joiner? Understand and Manage Your Discomfort in Groups
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – Are you uncomfortable in group settings? Feeling left out, inferior and invisible may have to do with these three things.

Are You a “Giving Tree?”
(Mentoring & Recovery) – What does a childhood book have to do with your current life? Shannon shares how The Giving Tree woke her up to her codependency.

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/05/24/best-of-our-blogs-may-24-2016/

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