Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mother’s Day, 2016

Happy Mothers Day 2016Happy Mother’s Day!

None of us would be here if not for our moms, even if they later they found ways to let us down or not be in our lives the way we wanted or had hoped. For some, this day is a painful reminder of the break from their own mom (or child), and the unhappiness of that relationship.

But for many others, moms are a happy reminder of the joys of our childhood. Of a supportive person who was (nearly) always there for us, helping us understand the ways of the world. How to be a respectful individual who treated others the way they themselves want to be treated. Who stood by us even during very trying or difficult times… Someone who may not have always agreed with our decisions, but respected our right to make them.

For all the moms out there today, I wish you a day full of the love and appreciation from your daughters and sons. I’m eternally thankful for my mom and try to let her know every time I see and talk to her.

It’s also a good time to remember that we don’t need a special day once a year to let your loved ones know how much you care about them. Just remembering to let them know from time to time is all that’s needed. People just need to know — and hear — they are loved and appreciated (even if they’re “supposed” to know it).

Each year, our contributors put together some great entries for Mother’s Day. Here are a few we hope you can find some meaning from.

Mother’s Day for Other Mothers
by Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. – There are millions of women who are “Other Mothers,” women who are mothering children who were not born to them.

Dreading Mother’s Day? You’re Not Alone
by Peg Streep

Mother’s Day is About More Than Cards
by Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. – Tips for making Mother’s Day your day.

Got Mother’s Day Guilt?
by Sharon Martin, LCSW

Surviving Post-Mother’s Day Blues
by Gabrielle Gawne-Kelnar

Mother’s Day is Family Day
by Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.

3 Mother’s Day Takeaways for Giveaway Moms
by Cherilynn Veland, LCSW, MSW

Happy Mother’s Day to Moms with Kids with Special Needs
by Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.

Mother’s Day: We Shouldn’t Need a Day of Our Own
by Candy Czernicki

Honoring Your Mom When Your Relationship is Thorny
by Margarita Tartakovsky, MS

Inspiring Quotes in Honor of Mothers and the Gifts of “Mothering”
by Dr. Athena Staik

A Mindful Mother’s Day – Embracing Both The Pain And The Joy
by Gabrielle Gawne-Kelnar – Advice if you’ve lost your mother, or have a difficult relationship with her.

Nurturing Yourself: A Mother’s Day Mindfulness
by Christy Matta, MA

Julia Ward Howe and the First Mother’s Day Proclamation, 1870
by Dr. Athena Staik – The First Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870.


We hope you have a great Mother’s Day!

from World of Psychology

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