Tuesday 12 July 2016

Best of Our Blogs: July 12, 2016

Female Fists On A Wooden TableEverything going on in the world has amassed a feeling of unrest. Anger, even. When anger is thrown at us professionally, personally and at a societal level, we often respond with more anger.

None of that is productive, and can be destructive. To get to the real issues, we need to quench the fire and work from a place of love and stillness. I read this passage from Whatever Arises Love That by Matt Kahn and thought it could quell some of the fire we’re feeling right now:

“I no longer fight with those who insist on fighting with me. I acknowledge anyone who fights as only fighting for the grace of their own loving attention…By speaking to others in a tone and manner that suggests how much better they deserve to treat themselves when not in my presence, I help raise the vibration of the planet. I know full well that my path cannot be defined by how others treat me but only how I choose to respond.”

Punch Drunk: Six Factors That Influence Your Buzz
(The Science of Addiction) – There are things you’re doing to put yourself in risky situations. Find out how to stay safe if you drink.

Bipolar Disorder and OCD Combined
(Bipolar Laid Bare) – If you have bipolar disorder, you probably also have an anxiety disorder. In fact, you may be struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder and not even know it. Here’s how to tell and what to do about it.

Novice To Master Screenwriter; Stages Of Growth – Part 1
(Hollywood Therapy) – Where are you in your writing career? Beginner or master? Read what it looks like to be at each stage and learn where you are on your journey.

49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child
(Stress Better) – How do you know what to say when your child is anxious? In the heat of the moment, this list will be a lifesaver.

Unhappy? Asking Yourself These 5 Questions Will Help
(Knotted) – If you believe happiness is for others, but unattainable for yourself, you could be suffering because of this. These questions will help you determine if you’re standing in your own way.

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/07/12/best-of-our-blogs-july-12-2016/

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