Tuesday 26 July 2016

Best of Our Blogs: July 26, 2016

Two Friends Are Connecting And Sharing Files Over Smart PhonesWith social media and reality television, there’s been an explosion of exposure. To be worthy, we all search for external validation with likes or retweets. Over-sharing is the norm, and being ordinary equates with being unimportant.

I worry about younger generations. Youth who don’t spend adequate time building their own reservoir of self-love will grasp onto other things when they feel depleted. Compliments and recognition are fleeting. When you need acceptance and affirmation from others, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. For someone who is already sensitive, this can be severely damaging to their self-worth and self-esteem.

One thing I want to instill in my children is a sense of self that is not dependent on accolades and outside validation. It’s a difficult task especially in our society. How often do you hear parents respond to anything their kids do with, “Good job!” ? Children grow up dependent on other people for validation and motivation.

I think a lot of our problems stem from this need to do the “right” thing, make someone else happy or succeed professionally because we believe we have to make others feel good so we can feel good about ourselves. In comparison, this week’s posts show that focusing on who we are and what we need can help us build a strong inner life.

When Your Partner is Emotionally Withholding
(Bonding Time) – You’re in a relationship, but feel lonely. Could your problem be due to this?

Narcissists’ True Love: Money
(Narcissism Meets Normalcy) – Money is a psychological pawn that narcissists play to manipulate and control. It’s not themselves they’re in love with, it’s their money.

How to Know What You Want
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – If you struggle with big and small decisions from relationships to where to eat, your childhood probably looked a lot like this. Here’s how to finally get in touch with who you are and what you want in life.

14 Inspirational Quotes From Brene Brown
(Happily Imperfect) – Need a little inspiration and motivation this week? You’ll find it in one of these quotes.

5 Myths about Mothering No One Should Believe
(Knotted) – If you’re outwardly successful, but feel inadequate and unworthy, you might be one of the 40-50% of children who were brought up with this type of mother.

from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2016/07/26/best-of-our-blogs-july-26-2016/

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